By Chimpplanet
I have many German friends and consider Germans to be the most upstanding world citizens. However, some how, these people allowed Hitler to commit horrible atrocities. Now, one wonder how it could have ever happened.
Yet, in the past eight years our congress of 535 upstanding representatives has allowed a tyrant like George W. Bush to rule our country and has allowed him and his henchmen to invade foreign countries and be responsible for the deaths of possibly over two million people.
This same congress has even allowed this president to detain and incarcerate people with no legal recourse for years and this same congress has allowed this tyrant to bring torture to America.
The world had no compulsion in trying and jailing the guilty who helped Hitler carry out his crimes, yet, at this time the US and the world will allow George Bush and his cronies to escape the arm of the law.
The question has no merit: Because Germany was defeated and victor justice imposed, while US still successfully engages in wars of aggression. Once US is defeated perhaps there will be trials of American war criminals.
Chile was not at war and and did not lose a war and the Chilean Dictator Pinochet was tried for crimes against humanity and was jailed. The same can happen to Bush and Cheney, but probably won't.
Jct: The fact courts in different jurisdictions (yeah Spain) keep trying to indict them means their atrocities make the pages of history even if without official "guilty" verdicts.
Just like they've convicted FDR of enticing the Pearl Harbor sacrifice to inflame public opinion in televised "mock" trials, history will someday get the Bush gang even if they escape censure now.
Actually, censure is the real punishment, anyway. And censure they'll never escape because the truth is out there to be used in those future "mock" court proceedings before posterity.
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