By Chimpplanet
In order to learn what George Bush and his cronies really meant during his reign all you had to do was replace what they said with the complete opposite meaning.
Even today, George Bush, Dick Cheney and the Pentagon continue speaking in this “opposite” English.
Here are some current and prior examples:
“Harsh Interrogations”: Torture.
“Photos do not show rape”: Photos show rape and worse.
“We do not torture”: We torture.
“Torture saved lives”: Torture caused retaliation and more death.
“No child left behind”: Only the wealthy children get a good education. All others work at Wal-Mart.
“Clear skies initiative”: Allow large corporations to increase pollution.
“Homeland Security”: Be afraid. Be very afraid.
“Al-Qaeda Terrorists”: Do not exist. CIA made up the name “Al-Qaeda” which means “toilet” in Arab.
“Osama bin Laden is alive”: Osama bin Laden died in 2001.
“Town hall meetings”: Staged and rehearsed one-sided press and photo ops.
“God spoke through me”: Cheney told me to invade.
If you listen and think when George Bush and Cheney and others speak, you will find that when they open their mouths, they automatically “opposite-speak”.
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