By Chimpplanet
If you search the web for “US CIA TORTURE” you get all the current news on the actions being taken by foreign governments in the pursuit of justice and news about US Justice Department’s sweeping torture under the rug.
You also find a myriad of articles defending George Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice and the torture memo authors for their illegal actions.
Condi’s main response is, “If the president does it, it’s legal.”
The pundits’ responses are that torture was necessary to protect this country and thus legal. Screw the Geneva Conventions. Screw the US Constitution and US laws.
How come, torture is ok if practiced by the good guys with white hats and illegal when practiced by the bad guys with black hats?
Why are there two sets of suggested laws, one for the US and a complete opposite one for Iraq, Iran, Muslims, Taleban or any other group the US is currently at odds with?
Once a nation starts condoning torture, where does it stop? Already many police departments in the US have been found to be using torture methods in order to get confessions from their alleged criminals.
We do know that Israel and most Arab countries use torture on their political prisoners, and I fear it’s not just to extract information but mostly for punishment and retribution and maybe even some “fun”.
We probably know or imagine that China, Russia and most dictator governments in the world use torture, again, mostly for punishment.
How can the US, the example expected to be followed by the entire world, sink so low as to consider torture legal and beneficial?
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