Sunday, November 14, 2010

3,768 FEMA Concentration camps in USA


Find the nearest FEMA concentration camp near you.
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Read: FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders




Dr. Dan said...

W-rong Bush hired the former head of the East German STASI, Marcus Wolf, and Yevgeny Primakov, former head of the KGB, to design Homeland Security ( both Jews, Followed by more "dual"citizen creeps like Chertoff & Napalitano.). Why? To bring oppression HERE
FEMA-CAMP-GAZA is a PREVIEW for you "PREPPERS/PATRIOTS" .... We are ALL Palestinians now .......
just WHO is training your FEMA police/guards? Why have American Police suddenly started shooting so many UNARMED Citizens? it is the mindset and brainwashing your police have been received.

Dr. Dan said...

We should ALL be kneeling .........................
America needs Jack-Booted-Thug police like America needs Homosexual-Pedophile priests.
.... It is Time to reconsider "taking a knee" As much as I disagree with most of the pro-kneeler idiots ..... I disagree with the Militarized 'police" concept more. Divide & conquer ... keep White & Black from uniting to demand honest police. by instigating conflict.
So many have written ineffective tomes on police abuse of power and of the citizens. For decades we have voiced concerns. The Militias, etc., were largely born of those concerns. More Whites are shot by police then Blacks ---
Why aren't the Fans kneeling TOO?! All you FEMA camp prospects. All those worried about millions of hollow-point bullets that can store for decades.
Free Speech ..... kneel for it.
The police are the ones that Disrespect our Anthem and the Nation by murdering American Citizens, people's beloved pets, People shot in bungled raids on the wrong house , they murder the Rule of Law. Look at all the people being freed from false convictions based on lying police and corrupt prosecutors. Time to DEMILITARIZE the police. What became of those millions of hollow-point bullets? Those FEMA camps await, when shall you speak out?
Yeah sure, the POLICE - --- Currently, in the U.S., law enforcement kills around 1,200 citizens per year. Ironically, that number is actually four times higher than those who die from rifles. As has been recorded, cops have killed 450 percent more people than have died in the past forty years of mass shootings.
So now I say why are the football fans not kneeling WITH the players? After Ruby Ridge, Waco, LaVoy Finicum and the Bundy Ranch ALL fans should be joining the Players arm in arm and demanding the "police" start serving ALL the Citizens. The "Thin Blue Line" should be dismantled by any means necessary. There should be througho and objective THIRD PARTY investigations of shootings.
The police have NO Constitutional obligation to protect you/your loved ones. The police can legally stand and watch your loved ones be beaten to death and there is NO recourse. "all that needs to be understood, and remembered is they are armed, and paid, to protect and serve the State. you are not the State. once that is thoroughly understood, the rest falls into place."
9/11 did NOT magically transform cops into Honest Trustworthy Lawmen. Get over the misplaced school-girl "hero worship" and start demanding fair treatment of ALL Citizens.
Former law enforcement officer Matthew Horace explained comments made in his new book, "The Black and the Blue," that describes various police officers as "time bombs waiting to explode,"
Shooting a Citizen and then whining "I was in fear for my life" should result in immediate LIFE ban from law enforcement not a "license to kill" and if you pass the criminal investigation ---- you can go work at a Walmart where you will be safe. Shooting a harmless pet should mean immediate firing.
America needs Jack-Booted-Thug police like America needs Homosexual-Pedophile priests.
“The freedom of individuals verbally to oppose or challenge police action without thereby risking arrest is one of the principal characteristics by which we distinguish a free nation from a police state.”— Justice William J. Brennan, City of Houston v. Hill
What the architects of the police state want are submissive, compliant, cooperative, obedient, meek citizens who don’t talk back, don’t challenge government authority, don’t speak out against government misconduct, and don’t step out of line.