What do we as Americans teach our children, our grandchildren? Well, the lesson of the day is crime pays. Yes, crime definitely pays, 100 percent.
If George W. Bush and Dick Cheney walk free into society, then two law breakers are Scot-free.
I believe they stand to reap some large and probably secret profits down the line. I hope someone monitors this. I'd expect it wouldn't be out of the question that they will receive quiet bonuses from war and oil related concerns.
What crimes you ask? Rather than list a litany of their crimes, I'll just mention illegal wiretapping on everyday American citizens, murder of uncharged detainees, and war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Can you think of any other crimes? These alone should have these characters in front of a judge sooner than later.
But I'm sure they will walk free and the worst thing they will have done in the last eight years is to teach our children that crime pays, and pays well even. And possibly the worst lesson we teach our children is that we'd rather watch TV and shop than pursue these losers and preserve the rule of law and justice.
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