Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lobbyists Fight to Hide Cruel Farm Animal Abuse from Public (VIDEO)

The meat industry will make it  a crime to film horrible animal abuse in farms (VIDEO)

"Bills being shopped in six states by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) would make it a crime to film animal abuse at factory farms or lie on job applications, in hopes of shutting down animal rights activists who infiltrate slaughterhouses to expose ghastly conditions.

"The meat industry's response to these exposes has not been to try to prevent these abuses from taking place, but rather it's really just been to prevent Americans from finding out about those abuses in the first place," Paul Shapiro, spokesperson for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), told Raw Story. "What they're doing is trying to pass laws throughout the country that don't just shoot the messenger, they seek to imprison the messenger."*

ALEC is a corporate lobby that is now fighting to stop people from filming corporate farms cruelly and unnecessarily abusing animals. Shouldn't we be trying to instead stop the abuse?

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