Sunday, March 17, 2013

Drones Are Great, Says Bought Drone Industry Report (VIDEO)

"The country's largest trade group for drones on Tuesday released a study that says the unmanned vehicle industry could create 70,000 jobs in the United States over the next three years and add $14 billion to the economy.

The Association of Unmanned Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI), which commissioned the study, went one further and predicted the industry could produce more than 100,000 jobs by 2025 with an estimated economic impact of $82 billion."*

According to a report, the drone industry would be a huge boon to the economy, creating many jobs- so obviously we should have more drones in American skies. This report on the drone industry is brought to the drone industry. Cenk Uygur explains how much danger it poses, especially when being used in lobbying.

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