Sarah Palin has become the most famous Alaskan in history. Celebrity is her one accomplishment since John McCain selected her as his running mate a year ago.
The rest of the last year has held, for her, turmoil and failure.
After bringing Republican National Convention delegates in St. Paul to their feet during her acceptance speech, Palin proved she lacked the experience, education, self-awareness and media savvy to campaign successfully for vice president.
The more voters knew about her, the less they expressed confidence in her.
Palin's shrill attacks on Barack Obama as a friend of terrorists and as a dilettante community organizer transformed many Americans who were neutral or indifferent to her into unforgiving enemies.
She also went out of her way to create enemies in Alaska.
Before she left for St. Paul, the governor cooperated with Alaska Democrats, sought them out as allies in passing oil, gas and ethics legislation.
After St. Paul, she began feuding with them - especially over Troopergate - and a donnybrook of name calling and charges followed that lasted for months.
MORE AT: PalinWatch by Alaska Dispatch
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