By Chimpplanet
What I care about is that the FDA thought that aspartame was a dangerous chemical through many, many lab tests.
Then, along comes Donald Rumsfeld, a director of the company that owns the patent, and appoints the director of the FDA who, by hook or by crook, approves aspartame as being safe.
All the litigation against aspartame now goes out the window. As long as Donald Rumsfeld is in power, aspartame remains legal making big bucks for his company and himself.
Now, Rummy is no longer in power and the FDA reviews all the aspartame complaints and is ready to declare it a poison and again make it illegal.
Not only does the FDA take this step, but also all of Europe wants to do the same.
The main thought is that even if I believe aspartame is a poison and you don’t, the point is that the FDA approved it though political duress and not by reviewing scientific tests and complaints.
Following is one of hundreds of interesting stories about how far pharmaceutical companies and the very wealthy will go to protect their profits.
About 1980 the company making Nutrisweet (aspartame) paid for a study to prove to the FDA that it did not cause cancer.
One scientist was Ted Platt in Hillsdale College, Michigan.
Platt, assisted by his daughter Jennifer Platt, also did a study on his own, whether the sweetener caused birth defects in normal dosages.
Platt discovered that even normal dosages cause birth defects in mice at a very high rate.
The company refused to publish the data on the birth defects.
Platt could not publish the data because the study was paid for by the company, who had the copyright on the information.
Again, I compare the people’s fight against aspartame in the same vein as the people’s fight against the wealthy tobacco companies.
Eventually, the guilty lose but they kill and injure millions along the way, all to make a buck.
Very good post, Chimp !
Tank u, tank u.
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