Cheney’s next target is apparently his former boss
During the last two presidential terms, an oft-repeated assertion by journalists covering the White House was that the real power in the George W. Bush administration was Vice President Dick Cheney.
A New Yorker Magazine cover satirized the relationship by depicting Bush as Cheney's manservant cleaning up behind him.
Apparently that image wasn't too far from Cheney's own conception of his role as one of the most influential No. 2's in American history.
A report in the Washington Post by Barton Gellman indicates Cheney is hard at work on a tell-all memoir that will unload on his former boss for failing to continue following the veep's policies in the closing years of his presidency.
In preparing his book, Cheney has been conducting meetings with policy experts and former Bush officials.
According to one of them quoted by Gellman, Cheney felt Bush had become too responsive to public criticism as his poll ratings slipped.
Bush had ended the controversial practice of waterboarding and reined in some of the domestic surveillance programs pushed by the Cheney faction.
The vice president was unfazed by his own public standing — even lower than the president's.
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