Thursday, November 14, 2013

Heroin Capital: Afghan opium sets global drug supply record (VIDEO)

The CIA may be unhappy since too much production lowers the CIA's profit on drug running (VIDEO)

Opium farmers in Afghanistan are expecting a record harvest this year - bringing huge profits for warlords and heroin traffickers.

Poppy production continues to spread at a staggering pace, with some growers claiming government officials are taking a cut from the lucrative business.

Let's cross live now to Kabul, to talk to Jean-Luc Lemahieu - he's the head of the UN drug control agency in Afghanistan and neighboring countries.

Afghanistan Putting Out More Drugs Than Ever (VIDEO)

US Military helping Afghanistan in the growth of opium by protecting poppy farms (VIDEO)


How Opium Greed Is Keeping US Troops in Afghanistan   (VIDEO)

Abby Martin takes a look at a shocking statistic that puts opium production in Afghanistan at a record high, and puts into perspective the different corporate interests that could be keeping US forces in Afghanistan well beyond 2014.

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