Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dr. Jerome Corsi on Who Really Killed Kennedy 50 Years Later (VIDEO)

Ryan Brooks talks with Dr. Corsi about his new book "Who Really Killed Kennedy" Available to purchase as of 9/17/13 nation wide -

"Meticulously researched and fully documented, Who Really Killed Kennedy? is the definitive source for those who, after five decades, wish to truly understand how and why Kennedy was assassinated-including information that has largely been hidden from the American people since the 1960s. In this ultimate guide to the JFK assassination, readers will learn about:

* the ballistic evidence that proves there was more than one shooter

* the rarely studied final few frames of the Zapruder film that prove the wound in the back of JFK's head was an exit wound

* the eyewitnesses who saw Oswald in the second floor lunchroom when Dallas police rushed in the building

* the two previous attempts to assassinate JFK in November 1963

* how Lee Harvey Oswald had extensive ties to the CIA and the KGB, and about his sordid relationship with his murderer, Jack Ruby

* how JFK was aware specific plans were being made to assassinate him

* how JFK double-crossed Richard Nixon and the CIA to win the election of 1960

* the tape-recorded confessions Mafia godfathers made detailing their involvement in financing and planning the JFK assassination

* how JFK lost control of the CIA when he decided to pull the US military out of Vietnam, where top CIA operatives were engaged in drug trafficking.

* how JFK and Life magazine threatened to derail LBJ's political career

In researching Who Really Killed Kennedy?, Corsi has sorted through the mountains of evidence-the hundreds of books, the tens of thousands of documents (including all twenty-six volumes of the Warren Commission's report), several films, and countless photographs. Dissecting the Warren Commission's conclusion that Oswald acted alone, he carefully and convincingly separates the unlikely from the real, and the speculation from the facts. Having personally known or met many of the key players in the JFK assassination drama, including a former top Soviet bloc intelligence official, Corsi reveals shocking information for the first time ever."

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