Thursday, July 11, 2013

Feds Expose NY Subway Passengers to Chemical Gas (VIDEO)

UPDATE: The article on the alleged MTA notice, which we previously linked to, is now gone. However, upon further research, the Brookhaven National Laboratory has information on the Perfluorocarbons used in the terrorist response drill. The intent of this article is to showcase how these Perfluorocarbons are not necessarily "harmless" to the public as other news articles and press releases have claimed.

The New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority supposedly released a notice to subway passengers not only thanking them for being gassed lab rats but also admitting that they weren't fully aware what the gas exposure health effects could be.

Subway riders won't be supplied masks as shown in photo. Source: Wikimedia Commons

They did admit, however, that the gas exposure could lead to early menopause for women

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