Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Murtha's Death Caused By Surgical Mistake


"John Murtha is dead?"

Via Taegan Goddard, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that the "complications" involved a mistake by Murtha's surgeons.

Mr. Murtha was first hospitalized with gallbladder problems in December. He had surgery Jan. 28 at the National Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Md. He went home, but was hospitalized two days later when complications developed.

According to a source close to Mr. Murtha -- confirming a report in Politico -- doctors inadvertently cut Mr. Murtha's intestine during the laparoscopic surgery, causing an infection.


(P.S. The CIA surgeons did the best they could. At first, the CIA thought Rep. Murtha suicided himself. Since that didn’t sound too plausible, they sent in an assassination squad to cut an intestine. Death would be slow but definite. “Nobody insults a Bush president and gets away with it.” an unknown souse said.)


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