"Oath Keepers" is a fast-growing "patriot" group that recruits active-duty soldiers, police, and veterans to resist what its members consider an increasingly tyrannical government.
Members reaffirm their service oath to uphold the Constitution and further vow to disobey any orders they deem illegal or unconstitutional.
Unveiled last April, the group has already established itself as a hub within the larger anti-Obama movement, attracting a wide range of followers from politicians to Tea Partiers to militia enthusiasts.
The group has also drawn praise from a who's who of right-wing cable hosts including Glenn Beck. (Bill O'Reilly proved a tougher audience.)
Hold it. Am I tripping here? "Members reaffirm their service oath to uphold the Constitution and further vow to disobey any orders they deem illegal or unconstitutional." WTF-If I remember from my "oath" days in the army, as a commissioned officer, would not THEIR organization not be unconstituional and illegal? Pretty sure that is right. They are taking up arms against the constitutional government.
On my honor, I will do my bestest
To do my doodoo to my country and to obey the Constitution when it pleases me;
To help other people if they are white and Christian and Republican;
To keep myself always armed, mentally focused on my enemies and morally straight, not gay.
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