(Natural News) Climate change alarmists have convinced the public something must be done now. The reports are easily debunked as fraud.
(Article by Mish republished from MoneyMaven.io)
My Gift To Climate Alarmists
Tony Heller does an amazing job of showing how the fraud takes place in his video entitled My Gift To Climate Alarmists.
The video is only 12.51 minutes long.
Cherry Picking
- Heatwaves increasing since 1960
- Arctic ice declining since 1979
- Wildfires increasing since 1983
- Sea levels rising since 1920
S Wildfires as Presented by Alarmists vs Actual Data
Please compare the right hand portion of the above chart with the lower half of the heat wave chart to see the actual correlation.
US Sea Level Since 1920
US Sea Level Since 1850
Sea Level Rising for 20,000 Years
Climate Fraud Tool
The climate change activists will of course claim that such statements are out of context.
Entire nations could be wiped off the earth by 2000.
The video is long. However, the data aspect is fully covered in the first 35 minutes. The rest covers the politics of what’s happening. Here are some clips that I made.
Global Warming Fraud Basics
Co2 and Temp vs Solar Activity and Temp
Carbon dioxide does not fit the global warming cycle at all. Solar activity does.
Al Gores’s Ice Core examples
Al Gore’s ice core tests show Gore is wrong. Carbon dioxide lags temperature by 800 years.
- When cosmic rays went up, temperatures went down. When cosmic rays went down, temperature went up.
- Climate is controlled by the clouds. The clouds are controlled by cosmic rays. The cosmic rays are controlled by the sun.
- Vastly different records come together beautifully.
- It all comes down to the sun, not CO2.
Patrick Moore Greenpeace Co-Founder
Deniers and Heretics
Scientists who speak out face “climate denier” drumbeats.
Anyone who keeps it up long enough is labeled a heretic or worse.
“The environmental movement is really a political activist movement,” says the Greenpeace co-founder.
Worse yet, what should be a scientific debate, is now an unwinnable religious debate with indoctrinated kids used as tools.
Mike “Mish” Shedlock
Read more at: MoneyMaven.io
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