Saturday, July 13, 2013

Raw Guernsey Milk Recovery for ASD / ADHD / behavioral problems/ learning disabilities (VIDEO)

REAL reasons why the US Government does not want Americans to drink raw milk (VIDEO)

Guernsey cow's milk and especially raw Guernsey milk is medicinal and known to bring about big improvements in kids who have ASD. I think it would also help other problems like ADHD or behavioral problems. It sure seems to be helping my son with some things!

My son is NOT diagnosed with any developmental or psychiatric condition but he has behavioral problems and difficulty learning and interacting socially and has been referred for ASD testing. We have seen some nice improvements with raw Guernsey milk. I included some footage so you can see for yourself. Please refrain from making dumb comments like all I need to do is take him fishing. I already did that and it made no difference.


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