Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Ten Weirdest Ideas In Rick Perry’s book ‘Fed Up’


Just your average American boy

— 10. Social Security Is Evil
— 9. Private Enterprise Blossomed Under Conscription and Wartime
— 8. Medicare Is Too Expensive But Must Never Be Cut
— 7. All Bank Regulation Is Unconstitutional
— 6. Consumer Financial Protection Is Unconstitutional
— 5. Almost Everything Is Unconstitutional
— 4. Federal Education Policy Is Unconstitutional
— 3. Al Gore Is Part Of A Conspiracy To Deny The Existence Of Global Cooling (I agree on this one)
— 2. Not Only Is Everything Unconstitutional, Activist Judges Are A Problem
— 1. The Civil War Was Caused By Slaveowners Trampling On Northern States’ Rights

Rick Perry's Fire and Brimstone

Meet the Christian Dominionist 'Prayer Warriors' Who Have Chosen Rick Perry as Their Vehicle to Power




jadedj said...

I said it on my blog somewhere...that saber is his penis extension. Anyone into that get-up is an egocentric potential despot. Not to mention an ass as well.

Chimp said...

Amereican royalty. All these assholes want to return to an era of royals and peasants.

jadedj said...

That is a fair assessement.