
"Republican God does not approve of Social Security or Medicare or helping the poor. The poor and disabled and the old must suffer to enter the gates of Republcan heaven! The rich can buy their way in."
During a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa today, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) reaffirmed all the views expressed in his book Fed Up!, including that Social Security is unconstitutional, despite previous attempts by his campaign staff to walk back the candidate’s words.
Two major issues shall emerge in the 2012 election - entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and the minimum wage.
Tax cuts for the rich and loop holes for cooperations is already a hot button item in town hall meetings.
The GOPs game book will remain largely unchanged - cut taxes and moral issues - abortion, and gay marriage. This election in the Congress won't be all about ObamaCare like in 2010 - Medicare will be the issue.
We are still a good 14 months out -
anything can happen in that length of time.
I hate calling Social Security an entitlement program, since it's fully funded by American workers.
The reasons the GOP uses to try to destroy it, is
a.) They don't want middle class and the poor to have a 'crutch' in their old age. and
b.) They (all politicians) claim it's underfunded while the truth is that the government 'borrows' the money and never pays it back.
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