Recently, Houston Police Officer Matthew Marin was “no-billed” by a secret grand jury in Harris, Co. Texas which led to charges not being filed on this cop who executed Brian Claunch.
Claunch was a double amputee confined to a wheelchair. He suffered from bi-polar disorder and schizophrenia which he was in the home of care takers designed to tend to his needs.
Officer Marin claimed he felt his partner was in danger of Mr. Claunch who was merely waving a pen.
This is the second time Officer Marin has killed a Houston citizen and has yet to be held accountable for this matter.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
How Agenda 21 Creates Neo-Feudalism: Melissa Melton & Aaron Dykes on Freedom Link Radio (VIDEO)
Truthstream Media's Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton appear on Unbound's Freedom Link with Joe Joseph on the June 26, 2013 program to discuss the attacks on journalism, America's continuum of FEMA camps, Agenda 21's wide grip on the nation and the pace of technology, and its potential both to enslave and, conversely to free humanity.
'US economic espionage on EU, trying to destroy jobs in Germany' (VIDEO)
The NSA spy scandal continues to grow, fuelled by some fresh exposures from Edward Snowden.
Revelations of European Union offices being the target of U.S. snooping has set alarm bells ringing across the board, with EU leaders demanding an explanation from Washington.
RT is joined by Dr. Udo Ulfkotte, intelligence expert and geopolitical analyst.
"Take Your Calls Somewhere Else" (Legislators,Pundits & 9/11 Controlled Demolition Questions PART 2) VIDEO
C-Span Callers Won't Shut Up About 9/11 Inside Job (VIDEO)
SERIAL KILLER COP: Cop Kills Double Amputee “No Charges Filed” - This is cop's second kill of a US citizen (VIDEO)
UK government bans GMOs from its own Parliament restaurants while telling public to embrace genetic poisons
Since the mid-to-late 1990s when genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) were first being thrust onto the market by governments working in lockstep with the biotechnology industry, the U.K. Parliament has effectively barred their use in all food items served to government officials at Parliament restaurants, according to new reports.
WTF? Philadelphia Rapper ordered to take etiquette classes to correct his Twitter behavior

An up-and-coming rapper in Philadelphia was ordered to take etiquette classes yesterday in response to some poorly drafted Tweets.
The rapper, Meek Mill, was in court on violation of his probation.
Read more:
Secret FBI files 'reveal' Michael Jackson was a serial little boy predator
Michael Jackson allegedly paid $35 million in hush money to at least two dozen young boys he sexually abused over 15 years, including dancer and friend Wade Robson who is currently suing Jackson's estate, according to secret FBI files obtained by Sunday People.
Researchers Develop X-Ray Vision with Wi-Fi
Wi-Vi: See through Walls with Wi-Fi signals (VIDEO)
Can Wi-Fi let you see people through walls?
Do you really wish you had X-ray vision?
Sure, it would be fun to see what your neighbors are doing behind those walls — until you see something you wish you hadn’t.
European Union alarm over claims US is cyber spying on them

The head of the European Parliament has demanded "full clarification" from the US over a report that key EU premises in America have been bugged.
NSA can obtain one billion cell phone calls a day, store them and listen
The NSA has a “brand new” technology that enables one billion cell phone calls to be redirected into its data hoards, according to the Guardian’s Glen Greenwald, who told a Chicago conference that a new leak of Snowden’s documents was ‘coming soon.’
Where in the world is Edward Snowden? FREAKING NEWS PICTURES
MORE Where in the world is Edward Snowden? FREAKING NEWS PICTURES here:
Egypt braces for massive protests after bitter year of Morsi (VIDEO)
It's been exactly one year since Egypt's President Mohhamed Morsi took office and the country's now bracing for its biggest anti-government protests in months.
The unrest has been building up over the past week, and has brought deadly chaos to Egypt's biggest cities.
21 Year Old American Student In Egypt Teaching English Killed With 3 Others During Violent Protest (VIDEO)
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Keiser Report: Peek-a-boo Accounting (E464) VIDEO
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the latest peek-a-boo accounting fashion trends looking great matched with a missold swap or wrapped in an accidental misplacement of segregated client funds. If your name is Jane Tacky Toe Polish, however, do not try the latest in financial fraud trends as you'll be sent to prison for a long time.
In the second half, Max talks to Francine McKenna of about the Bernie Madoff of munis and the cooked bailout books at Anglo-Irish bank.
US General prime suspect over Stuxnet leak (VIDEO)
Last year, The New York Times released an article explaining how the White House and Israel were responsible for cyber-attacks against Iran's nuclear program.
Retired General James Cartwright is being targeted as a potential leaker over details regarding the Stuxnet cyber worm, so is Cartwright a whistleblower?
Michael Kohn, president at the National Whistleblower Center, helps us examine the situation.
'Obama has no vision, no future planned for Africa' (VIDEO)
President Obama's trip to Africa is little more than a public relations stunt to a continent desperate for his help, Lawrence K. Freeman, editor of Executive Intelligence Review magazine, told RT.
Read more:
Michael Hastings was sacrificed (VIDEO)
Hastings died in a single-vehicle automobile crash with a Mercedes C250 Coupé in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles in the early morning of June 18, 2013. A witness to the crash said that he seemed to be driving at the car's maximum speed before the car fishtailed and crashed into a palm tree. There are claims that his death could have been due to foul play; the Los Angeles Police Department has said there are no signs of foul play.
Hours before his death, Hastings believed he was being investigated by the FBI. He emailed his colleagues warning that the FBI might interview them, and he also discussed this with a WikiLeaks lawyer just hours before his death. The FBI released a statement denying that Hastings was being investigated.
Members of the FBI are REAL terrorists. Michael was sacrificed at the age of 33.
Bugging Brussels: New Snowden leak claims NSA spies on EU diplomats (VIDEO)
Even more scathing reports of US surveillance are emerging from Germany - courtesy of Edward Snowden.
Der Spiegel magazine is reporting that they've seen a top secret US document - outlining how the country's intelligence bugged EU offices and spied on the bloc's internal computer networks.
RT's Peter Oliver is in Berlin with more on this latest leak.
RT is also joined by Lode Vanoost - former deputy speaker of the Belgian parliament.
Read More:
Citizens United. FR$$ SP$$CH Doors Tribute Song. Amend My Friend. (MUSICAL VIDEO)
FR$$ SP$$CH Copyright 2012 John Lopker. All Rights Reserved.
Have you ever heard a corporation fart?
Do they grow old and die?
Do they have a brain or heart?
Do they bleed like you and I?
Amend, my friend. Amend, my friend.
Have you heard the joke about the radical judge?
Who sat on the court supreme?
Oh, that's right, it was more than one
It was five who voted to deem
money is speech, ha ha ha,
no really, that's the new law.
Amend, my friend. Amend, my friend.
Speech is for sale, and that's no joke
wealthy old men writing big fat checks,
Just ask the brothers Koch
They say it's way better than sex.
Amend, my friend. Amend, my friend.
Vatican Rentboy and Satanism Claims Revealed by Paedophile Priest Don Patrizio Poggi
Italian investigators have opened an inquiry into claims by a convicted paedophile priest that an underage prostitution ring has been operating inside the Holy Roman Church with clergymen hiring rentboys for sex inside churches.
Don Patrizio Poggi, 46, told Italian authorities that a former Carabinieri pimped boys for nine clergymen.
Poggi, who served a five-year sentence for abusing teenage boys while he was a parish priest at the San Filippo Neri church in Rome, said he made the allegations to "protect the Holy Church and the Christian community."
The boys were chosen because they were starving and desperate, he claimed, according to Il Messaggero newspaper.
Don Patrizio Poggi, 46, told Italian authorities that a former Carabinieri pimped boys for nine clergymen.
Poggi, who served a five-year sentence for abusing teenage boys while he was a parish priest at the San Filippo Neri church in Rome, said he made the allegations to "protect the Holy Church and the Christian community."
The boys were chosen because they were starving and desperate, he claimed, according to Il Messaggero newspaper.
Bottled-water purchase leads to night in jail for UVa student
A group of state Alcoholic Beverage Control agents clad in plainclothes approached her, suspecting the blue carton of LaCroix sparkling water to be a 12-pack of beer. Police say one of the agents jumped on the hood of her car. She says one drew a gun. Unsure of who they were, Daly tried to flee the darkened parking lot.
"They were showing unidentifiable badges after they approached us, but we became frightened, as they were not in anything close to a uniform," she recalled Thursday in a written account of the April 11 incident.
"I couldn't put my windows down unless I started my car, and when I started my car they began yelling to not move the car, not to start the car. They began trying to break the windows. My roommates and I were ... terrified," Daly stated.
Charlottesville Commonwealth's Attorney Dave Chapman read Daly's account and said it was factually consistent.
"They were showing unidentifiable badges after they approached us, but we became frightened, as they were not in anything close to a uniform," she recalled Thursday in a written account of the April 11 incident.
"I couldn't put my windows down unless I started my car, and when I started my car they began yelling to not move the car, not to start the car. They began trying to break the windows. My roommates and I were ... terrified," Daly stated.
Charlottesville Commonwealth's Attorney Dave Chapman read Daly's account and said it was factually consistent.
Paul Hardcastle ("19" extenden version) MUSICAL VIDEO
In world war two the average age of the combat soldier was 26. In Vietnam he was 19 (MUSICAL VIDEO)
25 Years ago, I recorded the song 19, the idea came about whilst watching a documentary which highlighted the plight of young men and women who fought in Vietnam.
Paul Hardcastle - 19 Trailer 25th Anniversary (MUSICAL VIDEO)
The Vietnam soldier, a victim of rich white men profiting from wars (VIDEO)
Just Another American Small Town FEMA Camp... (VIDEO)
In getting footage for a mini-doc we're working on, we passed the small town of Taylor, Texas and came across one of our nation's many lovely FEMA camps. Food for thought, considering that the National Emergency Centers Establishment Act is back on the table as of last January...
3,768 FEMA Concentration camps in USA
Read: FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders
Click above
Chik-Fil-A President STILL Discriminating Against Gay People (VIDEO)
"Can an executive's views be separate from his company's? Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A president and chief operating officer, took to Twitter earlier this week to comment on the Supreme Court's ruling in two cases related to same-sex marriage. "Sad day for our nation; founding fathers would be ashamed of our gen," he wrote. "*
Dan Cathy, President of Chik-Fil-A, has apparently STILL not learned his lesson about openly discriminating against gay people and gay rights. He tweeted his response to DOMA, but does it make any sense? Ana Kasparian and Cara Santa Maria try to make sense of it.

Bert & Ernie... Together at Last! (VIDEO)
"The cover art for next week's New Yorker shows Bert and Ernie — officially asexual roommates but long assumed by many to be secretly gay, as if fictional hand puppets were capable of being anything other than what their script wants them to be — in a sweet embrace as they watch this week's news about the Supreme Court."*
After the landmark overturning of Prop 8 and DOMA, one couple is celebrating on the cover of The New Yorker...Bert and Ernie? The pair of "roommates" are officially just that, but will that change in the future when homosexuality isn't so stigmatized? Ana Kasparian and Cara Santa Maria discuss.
Bert & Ernie on Family Guy (VIDEO)
If You Were Gay - Starring Bert and Ernie (VIDEO)
FBI Had Plans to Kill Occupy Wall Street Leaders With Sniper Rifles According to Freedom of Information release (VIDEO)
Wesley Clark says Americans love the surveillance state as we learn a WikiLeaks volunteer was a paid FBI informant and a FOIA request show that the FBI had plans to kill Occupy leaders with sniper rifles
Irish Banksters Caught on Tape Plotting to Rob The Country of Billions (VIDEO)
Irish bank bailout figure pulled out of banker's A$$ (VIDEO)
Audio tapes expose the deliberate plan to defraud the Irish people by a bank that nearly bankrupted the country when the government bailed them out.
But now all European countries are about to endorse Cyprus-style wealth confiscation to bail out the countries bankrupted by bank bailouts.
Irish Bankers secretly recorded planning how to screw over Irish Taxpayers (VIDEO)
Mr Bowe's comments in the audio recording reveal that Anglo's strategy was to lure the State in, leaving taxpayers with no choice but to continue to provide loans to "support their money". The recording also shows Mr Bowe and Mr Fitzgerald laughing as they say how there is no realistic chance of ever repaying the loans.
Caught on tape: Ireland's financial ruin - Banking Execs talk about lying to regulator, and their "playbook" to take as much taxpayer money as possible.
Inside Anglo: the secret recordings
Exclusive: Tapes reveal the lies and deception that led to the bank bailout
BUSTED: Bankers Caught On Tape, Joking About Bailout, And How They'd Never Pay It Back
Friday, June 28, 2013
A Pox on the CDC’s Vaccination Agenda: The Rise of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

This new review brings to the forefront a few critically important questions: are natural infectious challenges essential for establishing a healthy immune system, and is the chicken pox vaccine doing more harm than good?
HOAX NSA Security Edward Snowden (VIDEO)
You are a guest on my channel and I expect all comments to be respectful and a good example to young people who frequently utilize the Internet. If you don't agree with Ed's work, don't return and take your whining and bashing elsewhere. I am not here to make you happy. If you don't like it, there are millions of other videos and channels you can visit to meet your needs.
If you desire to contribute an opinion in a logical, civilized, deductive, thoughtful manner, your comments are welcome and encouraged. Name calling, hate speech and anti-social feedback will not be tolerated. If you disagree with Ed's work, you will need to scientifically indicate your reasons and cite evidence. Comments must be related to the topic, and be factual with examples as needed. Opinions and speculations are welcome, but if they are represented as fact then they may be moderated or censored. YouTube programmed in the comments screening feature so ask them why. Free speech is something the GOVERNMENT is forbidden to legislate against per the Constitution. I am not the government so this is not a frree speech issue. You have your own channel. Exercise it there.
Former Top Regulators Tell Congress to Rein in Big Banks (VIDEO)
Three former financial regulators testify to the House Financial Services Committee in support of reinstating Glass-Steagall legislation and addressing Too Big to Fail Banks.
US Army Censors Snowden Leaks (VIDEO)
Edward Snowden's leaks about the NSA have been available for Americans to see on the internet over the last few weeks.
But, some Americans don't have access to news stories about those leaks. Namely, soldiers in the United States Army.
On Thursday, the US Army confirmed that stories regarding the NSA leaks have been censored from their computer system.
So what does it say that the fighting force entrusted with defending Americans ideals is embracing the very un-Americans ideal of censorship?
Political Commentator Sam Sacks breaks it down.
Activist faces 13 years in jail for chalking sidewalk (VIDEO)
San Diego activist Jeff Olson is facing up to 13 years in jail for chalking up anti-bank messages in front of three financial institutions in Southern California.
Around the country, chalk is becoming the go to medium for expressing the First Amendment.
So is this free speech or vandalism?
Artist Alex Schaeffer helps us differentiate between the two.
Car Hacking Assassins (VIDEO)
George Orwell once said that "in a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
Today activists, journalists and whistleblowers who are known for exposing corruption within our governments are finding themselves in the crosshairs of the information war.
Many of the technologies at our disposal act as a double edged sword and can be used both to inform, empower and advance humanity but can also be used to control, enslave and even kill off those who pose a threat to the Orwellian system.
Obama greeted with protests in South Africa (VIDEO)
Back in 2009 President Obama took a trip to Africa and was welcomed with open arms, but this time it's a little different.
In the country of South Africa hundreds gathered holding signs criticizing he president for his stance on Iran and his alleged war on freedom of the press.
RT's Margaret Howell has more on the demonstrations.
Vatican chief accountant arrested over plot to smuggle 20 million Euros into Italy aboard government plane
Arrest: Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, the bishop of Salerno, the chief accountant for the Vatican's vast property portfolio, has been taken into custody
One of the Vatican’s most senior money-men has been arrested in an alleged plot to smuggle 20 million Euros into Italy on a government plane.
Monsignor Nunzio Scarano, the bishop of Salerno, and the chief accountant for the Vatican’s vast property portfolio, has been taken into custody along with an Italian secret agent Mario Zito and broker Giovanni Carenzio.
Read more:
Police taser 11-year-old autistic girl found wandering naked along highway (VIDEO)
The TV reporters keep on calling this 11-year-old girl tasered by police a "young woman" - subconscious defense of cop? (VIDEO)
ASHLAND, OR -- Drivers witnessed a young child wandering naked along the side of the highway. One driver, Adam Bednar, stopped his car and called police to help. That decision ended up being a painful one for the 11-year-old girl, who suffers from autism.
Bednar says that the trooper who arrived called for her to stop, and when she didn't respond threatened twice to taze her. After giving no response, two little red dots appeared on her back, then metal barbs. The child did not respond because of her learning disabilities.
"She seized up and she fell face first on the ground," said Bednar.
The department backed up the officers' actions by claiming the girl was going into traffic. But Adam Bednar, the eyewitness, says that is a lie. "She wasn't going off the road, she was set on walking down the freeway," he stated.
The girl's father contacted Infowars to clarify some of the misleading reports being issued by the media. "They keep calling her a 'woman' ...she is 11 years old. Since when is an 11-year-old kid with the mind of a 3-year-old a 'woman'? She is very gentle and non combative. If the police cannot apprehend a child who is cooperative without Tasing then what would be the alternative? Shooting her?"
A compassionate person would have walked up to her and wrapped a blanket around her. A psychopath electrifies the helpless child with a taser.
Israel admits to Sterilizing Ethiopian black Minorities immigrating to Israel in past 20 years (VIDEO)
Sterilizing drugs given in secret to Ethiopian blacks killed and wounded many (VIDEO)
Abby Martin talks to Randy Short, President of the Anti Depo-Provera Clergy Coalition, about the dangers associated with administering this form of birth control, and his view that the drug is being used as a form of modern-day eugenics against minority populations.
Horrific video of beheading BY CIA AL-QAEDA raises questions of US arms supply to Syrian TERRORISTS (VIDEO)
Another act of brutal violence reportedly by US backed Syrian Al-Qaeda rebels has appeared on the web.
Unverified video shows the beheading of 3 supposed government supporters.
The title of the graphic footage suggests an orthodox Christian bishop was among the victims, although other reports claim he'd been shot dead in an assault on a monastery
Facebook's 'shadow profiles' put personal info out in the open (VIDEO)
In the past few years, social media has integrated into the lives of millions across the globe.
The website Facebook has gathered the data of millions of users, but now you don't have to be a user for the company to know everything about you.
RT's Andrew Blake has more on how Facebook was creating "shadow profiles" on web users.
Facebook CIA connection (VIDEO)
Obama's arrest, Bush's trial (E18) (VIDEO)
"We'll get Bush in the US" the world's top war crimes prosecutor tells The Truthseeker after Dubya's deputies warn him against travel, lawyers file for Obama's arrest tomorrow when he hits South Africa, huge secret wars in America's name being masked from the folks funding them.
Seek truth from facts with Yousha Tayob of the Muslim Lawyers Association, leading war crimes prosecutor Francis Boyle, Senior Staff Attorney Katherine Gallagher of New York's Center for Constitutional Rights which stopped Bush's first trip after his waterboarding admission, Marjorie Cohn, author of Cowboy Republic: Six Ways the Bush Gang Has Defied the Law, and former NSA intelligence officer Scott Rickard.

Thursday, June 27, 2013
IRS credit cards used to buy booze and porn (VIDEO)
A new report from the US Treasury Inspector General found that IRS employees used the agency's credit cards to purchase wine, pornography and diet pills.
From 2010 to 2011, employees made more than 273,000 purchases with these cards and Margaret Howell breaks down what's behind these odd purchases.
Genetically Modified Cabbage Special Ingredient, "Scorpion Poison" (VIDEO)
Get ready for genetically engineered cabbages that come complete with their own scorpion poison, just for you to eat. It's touted as requiring less pesticide use and being, of course, completely safe.
Close investigation, though, indicates that neither claim is likely true.
A pesticide made with scorpion poison genetically engineered into a virus was first tested back in 1994.
Interestingly, the scientists who sprayed the test field wore full body suits to protect them from this "harmless" poison.
One must wonder at just how safe it could be when the developers themselves don't trust it more than that!
Of course, the head of the trial, Professor David Bishop, insisted that the trial was safe—though he himself opted to take a vacation, rather than be there for it.
Google Targeting Patriots on YouTube (VIDEO)
An entrant into's Operation Paul Revere film contest had their YouTube channel terminated "due to a legal complaint" filed by an unknown party and has experienced strange phone harassment, the contest participant told by e-mail yesterday.
"After I sent [Infowars] e-mails last night... my gmail was frozen now today, my Youtube account was suspended due to legal complaint and 2 of my Gmail accounts are gone," Telly Blackwood, a producer from Off the Hook TV, wrote to us.
The overtly drastic measures taken by Internet juggernaut Google may have been due, in part, to Off the Hook TV's contest entry, "George Washington's Revenge," a video which apparently angered someone with high-level communications connections.
The film is set in the colonial era and depicts the nation's first president sending an agent into the future to retrieve a few of today's most notoriously villainous constitutional traitors, CNN host Piers Morgan and liberal establishment mouthpiece Michael Moore. "They soon realize the Constitution is not a joke for they are facing a Revolutionary water-boarding experience they will never forget," the video's YouTube description stated.
After the entry went viral and received national attention from such media outlets as the Sacramento Bee, it was removed. Alex Jones suspects the primary motivator behind this is film maker Michael Moore.
NSA scandal fallout (VIDEO)
Since The Guardian first began revealing the secret surveillance practices of the NSA many government officials have defended the controversial program.
When Edward Snowden was identified as the man behind the information leak, an international manhunt has ensued to bring the whistleblower to justice, but could Snowden's actions have an economic fallout?
RT's Sam Sacks and Bob English join us for more.
Friends and Family of Michael Hastings Want Independent Investigation (VIDEO)
The wife of Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in what many people believe was a suspicious car crash last week, has vowed to "take down whoever did this," according to the man who released an email in which Hastings told friends he was being harassed by the government.
Staff Sergeant Joseph Biggs, who yesterday told Fox News that Hastings was working on "the biggest story yet" about the CIA before his untimely death, was responsible for releasing an email Hastings wrote 15 hours before his car crash in which the journalist stated he was "onto a big story" and needed "to go off the rada[r] for a bit."
Biggs tweeted that the reason he released the email was because Hastings' other friends and colleagues who received it were "too scared" to do so.
After the email was released, Hastings' wife Elise Jordan thanked Biggs and vowed to "take down whoever did this," according to Biggs.
Biggs, who met Hastings when he was an embedded journalist in Afghanistan in 2008, added, "I won't let a man die in vein [sic] because I'm too scared of what will happen to me. If I sent that email to Mike he wouldn't rest, he would fight."
In his interview with Fox News yesterday, Biggs also said that Hastings "drove like a grandma" and that it was totally out of character for him to be speeding in the early hours of the morning.
Keiser Report: #AngloTapes & Banksters' Trolololing (E463) VIDEO
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the hashtag AngloTapes and the trolollolling by the banksters at the heart of the Anglo Irish scam to get taxpayers to bail them out before the same taxpayer could understand how much was really needed. They also discuss 'feral hogs' and colonscopies for lulz banksters. In the second half, Max talks to journalist and author, Andrew McGettigan, about the attempts by the UK government to sell off its £40 billion student debt portfolio.
New NSA leaks show email surveillance under Obama (VIDEO)
Again, The Guardian has published another article about the National Security Agency's surveillance program.
A couple of weeks ago the news outlet reported how the NSA had been collecting telephone metadata on millions of Americans, but now it turns out that they had also been collecting email metadata as well.
RT's Meghan Lopez has more.
US government struggles to prove computer fraud in Manning case (VIDEO)
This week in the Bradley Manning case the court continues to focus on evidence contradicting the US government's claims that the infamous Iraq war video released by WikiLeaks contained classified information.
Liz Wahl was at Ft. Meade to wrap up the day.
Is Julian Assange 'Spy' #9? (VIDEO)
The Obama Administration has charged eight people under the Espionage Act.
And new revelations about tactics used by the FBI to collect data on Wikileaks over the last few years suggest that Julian Assange himself could be the ninth person facing espionage charges in a sealed indictment.
So what do the FBI's tactics toward Assange mean for Edward Snowden and journalists entrusted with sharing his secrets?
Political Commentator Sam Sacks explains.
Mandela Is Dead (VIDEO)
Long live the King.
It seems like yesterday when I heard Tata was out of prison. Mixed emotions went through my mind! what does this mean for us South Africans & all Africans. Joy filled my heart and i actually cried at the thought of him been jailed for all those years just for me and my nation to be freed from slavery. I salute you Tata, not many people would have done are a Hero to me and for all peoples.
To the world in general and most south africans in particular, you were not only a beacon of hope for what human kind can achieve and be, but you are a symbol of the potential human beings have. Words alone cannot begin to express the profound and deep-seated pride and emotions we have when we think of you, for you and your generation are an embodiment of what the South Africa was meant to be. Your image and memory will remain etched on our conscious for time immemorial.
For most good men it is hard enough to be a father to one child, but to father a nation is a kind of miracle that only comes from (and grows with) wisdom, love and the heart of hero. Madiba, you changed our lives in ways you will never know. I am proud of my beliefs and strong enough to stand up for them because you showed me that being afraid doesn't matter but doing the right thing, standing up to be counted is what matters. And if you have a voice it's your duty to speak up for yourself and those who cannot.
Hamba Kahle Ntate. Siyabonga khakulu!
Ed Snowden, NSA, and Fairy Tales (VIDEO)
Could the entire Edward Snowden affair be a war between the CIA and the NSA? (VIDEO)
Sometimes cognitive dissonance, which used to be called contradiction, rings a gong so loud it knocks you off your chair.
But if you're an android in this marvelous world of synthetic reality, you get up, put a smile back on your face, and trudge on...
Humpday Humor: "Did you hear about the Obama administration scandal?"
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