Sunday, August 14, 2011

What Do All These Statements Have In Common?


Americans gained freedom from British Royalty.
British Royalty and the Vatican have no power in the US or the world.
US Presidents are elected by the people.
The US President is powerful.
The US Stock Market Is not a rigged casino.
The US landed on the moon.
Osama bin Laden is the leader of Al-Qaeda.
Osama bin Laden was recently killed by Obama.
Osama bin Laden did not work for the CIA.
Osama bin Laden did 9/11.
Al-Qaeda is not a fictional group created by the CIA.
There are no Middle Eastern 'Freedom Fighters', they are all Al-Qaeda.
Jesus Christ is not a work of fiction. The bible is not a fictional novel. Also, god really exists.
Jesus was not created to 'humanize' the old invisible god.
Religion was not invented to control the people.
TWA 800 was not blown up by a US military test missile.
9/11, Oklahoma City, WTC 1993,The USS Cole, were not all inside job, false flag attacks executed by CIA/MI6/Mossad.
9/11 was not done to start Middle East invasions for control of oil or to pass the Patriot Act which was drafted 10 years earlier.
The invasion of Iraq was not for oil.
The invasion of Afghanistan was not for control of oil pipelines and not for the CIA control of drugs.
JFK was not assassinated by the CIA and Lyndon Johnson.
John Lenon was not assassinated by the FBI.
The underwear bomber, the shoe bomber and others were not false flag attacks for DHS and TSA to control humans.
The Norway attacks were not an Israeli Mossad response to Norway's support for a Palestinian State.
Americans were not programmed to believe that Communism and Socialism are evil.
The most perfect Communism is not an Israeli Kibbutz.
Socialism does not mean the government spends our tax dollars to help the people with education, health and welfare.
Cuba does not produce more MD doctors than any country in the world.
The Muslim religion was not created by the Vatican to use as a weapon.
The US did not allow Pearl Harbor to happen in order to convince Americans to enter the war.
There is no cure for cancer.
Cars can not run on water or hydrogen so, we do need petroleum.


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