Thursday, August 11, 2011

After 200 Years Pedophile Congressmen Will Do Away With Young Sexy Enticing Pages Using 'Cuts' As Excuse


Notice the new Capitol building above?

House to end page program after nearly 200 years

After nearly 200 years, the House page program that allowed high school students to serve as messengers and learn about Congress is ending, rendered obsolete by the Internet and email in cost-cutting times.

Mark Foley tells Sean Hannity ‘sexting’ children should be legal

Former Republican Congressman Mark Foley (who infamously resigned for sexting young male interns) made some questionable comments regarding sexting on Fox News with Sean Hannity.



jadedj said...

Scum is the word that comes to mind.

Chimp said...

This government is just a bunch of CRAP!