Friday, November 19, 2010

Here Is Your Photo of TSA Fisting a Guy


"Is that freedom in your pants or are you just happy to see me, sir?"

So this fun news photo was being passed around today!

It has now been enshrined in Blingee form, thanks to us, and will soon be put into the National Archives.

One day we will look back on this Blingee and try to remember what it was like when the federal government wasn’t feeling up our genitals all the time.



Howard T Lewis said...

Until our government admits to who really did 9-11 and the GOM disaster, this TSA molestation is nothing beyond perverted molestation. Show some class, America. Face down who did 9-11 and the GOM disaster and put these creeps back into hiding. Preferably with an identifying tatoo on their foreheads.

Anonymous said... has the picture you have of the TSA agent above. Then underneath they have a picture of what appears to be the same man at Abu Ghraib.

I was not home and did not listen to the show today so I do not know if Mike Rivero at WRH is serious or joking.

It might be worth it to ask Mike.

Chimp said...

I think Mike is joking. The dude above is right handed and wears his watch on his left wrist. He grabs the guy's "junk" with his right hand.

The dude in Abu Ghraib wears his watch on his right wrist and is probably laft handed. You can read "MC" on the tatoo.

Of course, if either photo is a mirror copy, my theory goes out the window.

John said...

Man, he could have kicked that SOB so hard right in the face.

Randi Baird said...

What's worse is that this is going on in COURTHOUSES as well. Imagine the outrage of having to choose between being subjected to a virtual strip search or being groped and molested when having to report for JURY DUTY of all things!! And it's not as if jury duty is an option, either!! None of this is even legal! A government agent has no more right to sexually molest and/or strip search you than anyone else! As Ron Paul says, when are we going to stand up and say enough is enough? How about if everyone reporting for jury duty on any given day stood outside the courthouse and protested the groping and the body scanning and REFUSED to go inside! What a concept! We also need to start suing the TSA for civil rights violations and get criminal indictments of TSA employees? These TSA employees need to be charged with sex crimes and dealt with accordingly (jail/prison time and registering as sex offenders). After all, they AGREED to do these things as a condition of their employment. Do we have the backbone to start doing these things or do we just roll over and accept this brutal and repressive Soviet style tyranny?