Friday, June 11, 2010

Israel implies Gaza ships had her lost S. African nukes to cover-up slaughter


It became apparent that someone spread a rumour that the vessels sailing to Gaza recently were possibly carrying one of the British (acquired from South Africa) stolen battlefield nuclear bombs.

For some strange reason Chris McGreal of the Guardian newspaper published an article on the 24th of May 2010 revealing how Israel offered to sell nukes to South Africa during the apartheid era. What he failed to reveal was that Israel struck up a deal with South Africa to move its technicians down to the high-security weapons research and development facilities at Pelindaba. It was at this location that the Isaeli technicians managed to covertly give themselves nuclear weapons but also under the table gave South Africa its own nuclear capability.

It is fairly obvious why Israel is totally consumed in trying to find these stolen weapon and needless to say the US and British Governments are equally as concerned and yet are not in a position to admit to their loss as in doing so would incriminate past and current very senior politicians including our current Prime Minister David Cameron.

Obviously the rumour regarding the Turkish vessel was totally false but with Israel being in a total state of panic one can understand just how sensitive this issue is. It always appear to be the case that your past comes back to haunt you.


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