Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag Attack


- Sales of shares and stocks in days and weeks beforehand by BP Executives and Goldman Sachs

- Halliburton (Dick Cheney) link, acquisition of cleanup company days before explosion

- BP report cites undocumented tampering with well sealing equipment

- Government uses disaster to push for Carbon Tax, Nationalization talk



jadedj said...

And the damned beat goes on...mostly on us.

ElwoodK_Rank佳玲 said...
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the_last_name_left said...

What on earth is a false-flag disaster?

Chimp said...

Normally a benefit is derived from a false flag attack. 9/11 false flag brought about our new Soviet-style government. In this false flag, it will bring about the above benefits.