By Chimp
When Glen Beck compares “saintly” Tiger Woods to O,J. Simpson, you know we’ve been had again.
Seems like in the last 40 years or so, America has lost it’s virginity again and again and again.
Just in the last few weeks we’ve learned that Tiger’s wood has had more workouts than Tiger himself. The best example for inner city black kids becomes their worst nightmare.
We have also learned that the feared man-made global warming may just be a man-made scam to further enslave the third world and maybe to create a one-world-order government.
ClimnateGate is also a scam for people like Al Gore to become wealthy beyond their dreams.
We have also learned that the most feared secret group in the world may not be the CIA but their contractor Blackwater who not only commits assassinations under CIA supervision but also rapes and kills innocent civilians on their own with no supervision.
We even had a US senator contender tell us this week that Al-Qaeda is just a ragtag small group of pirates with no influence or power in the Muslim world. Gee, you think George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld would lie to us?
The three of them did tell us that we had to invade Iraq because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and was getting “noo-koo-lar” material. After we invaded and killed thousands of our own kids and millions of theirs, we found out that what Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld had were WEAPONS OF MASS DECEPTION.
During our invasion of two sovereign countries for no reason other than to maybe steal their oil, we learn that it’s OK for the US to jail people with no trials and that it’s OK to torture and kill them while they are in prison as long as we call them “enemy combatants”.
In fact, Americans accept the Bush Administration Patriot Act and it’s now OK for you and me to be arrested, thrown in jail without a trial or a judge and without our relatives even knowing we have been arrested and where we are. That was easy. The country that used to do this, we called The Soviet Union and Communists. But, we are Democratic and if we do it, it’s OK.
9/11? No criminal investigation ever took place so no real answers will ever be forthcoming. There are thousands of inconsistencies in the official report.
Before we even got to George W. Bush, a US president, a possible US President and the greatest civil liberties leader were assassinated and we still don’t know who did it. Nobody believes the official government explanation of the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK.
Add to the above our fears that a New World Order is being created with the same deception used to invader Iraq and Afghanistan.
Then, we have a Federal Reserve System, owned by the banks, which is not a US government agency, printing money for the US and charging interest to use this money and Americans never questioning it.
There’s a current Coups d'état by the US in Honduras still playing out. We had an attempt to do the same in Venezuela that didn’t pan out. And many other coups that did work in Panama, Grenada and Haiti. Most Americans are not even aware of these coups.
Many Americans believe that there are cures for our major diseases like cancer and that we can drive 1000 miles on one gallons of gas or other fuels, but that the technology is being hidden for profit reasons.
Most intelligent Americans believe that the major news Media is controlled by corporations, the government and the very wealthy and all we get is propaganda. If it wasn’t for the Internet, we would believe that Sarah Palin is the most intelligent woman on earth. Of course, “they:” are currently working to neutralize the Internet.
Many believe that diseases like AIDS and Avian and Swine Flu were created in the laboratory and released to either destroy a certain population or for Big Pharma to be able to create the magic cures and get richer.
Remember the feared “Avian Flu Pandemic” that never was? Well, Donald Rumsfeld got rich by selling the “cure” to the US government for Billions.
Fears by Americans and the world that there are conspiracies encompassing all of the above plus many other areas of our society will never end as long as we discover that our government and the rich are constantly lying to us to further oppress the human race for their benefit.
Great post Chimp.
I feel sorry for you...
Thanks Lou. Sorry because I'm too aware or I tell it like it is, Burstmodes? Sheeple would never understand.
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