Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Letter From A Canadian To An American: "See Chimp, I too can rant!"


As is usually the case, the AmeriKans got it wrong again. The winter storm that we are getting today was "born" in Texas. Do you hear Canadians complaining that the snow is coming from the U.S.? No, but then again, no one would expect the Texans to give birth to anything that wasn't the biggest and the best. They wouldn't have seen the storm coming, hell they can't even see the Mexicans crossing into Texas.

Look at all the money and lives spent looking for the invisible "weapons of mass destruction" in EyeRack. (It is pronounced Iraq.) While we are at it, it is "Mossco" not "MOSS COW"! There are no cows in Moscow.

At least you don't have to look for our weapons of mass destruction, cold air masses. We send them to you on a regular basis. Sometimes, we even tell you when they are coming. After all, we love you "folks".

Our Prime Minister is in Washington this week to meet your President. Interesting that Joe Leaverman has just discovered that terrorists are crossing the border from Canada to the U.S. easier than they are crossing from Mexico to the U.S.

He now wants Canadians be required to obtain visas before entering the U.S. He should try running for Governor in Florida, Arizona, New York, Michigan, California, Texas, and any number of other states that depend on Canadian $$$$$$$$$.

Instead, perhaps he should encourage the transfer of all of the money being spent in Eyerack, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Egypt to the real problem which is finding and eliminating the terrorists already in the U.S., Canada, Britain, France, Germany, and on and on.

Ah, screw it let's continue to strip search 85 year old ladies with prosthesis after having had a mastectomy. It is easier and employs a lot of uneducated, cheap labour under the guise of "Homeland Security".

See Chimp, I too can rant!

He was writing in answer to this post:

‘Cold Air Mass From Canada’ Attacks America, Never Forget


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