Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Want your mind blown? Watch this video! FULL LENGTH The Vatican is ruling the planet (VIDEO)

The REAL History of the United States (VIDEO)

Why over 1500 architects and engineers say World Trade Center 7 destruction was a controlled demolition on 9/11 (VIDEO)

How the US never gained independence from Great Britain (VIDEO)

How Jews were given Palestinian lands in order to have the Jews and Arabs destroy each other (VIDEO)

A private company called the FEDERAL RESERVE controls the US Dollar by printing money at will (VIDEO)

The greatest weapon of mass destruction was invented in the USA:  THE TELEVISION (VIDEO)

All major TV and radio and print news media in the USA is owned by the Rothschilds through their corporations (VIDEO)

Yes, there are now many more TV and radio stations but they are all run by the same ventriloquist. (VIDEO)

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