Friday, May 24, 2013

Men Arrested For Hacking UK Soldier To Death In London Were KNOWN To Security Services (VIDEO)

London Soldier Killing Hoax Plus Sandy Hoax News  (VIDEO)

UK Terror Attack: MI5 Patsy Turned Loose?  (VIDEO)

Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the UK's latest "terror attack" on the streets of London and its role in propping up the perpetual War on Terror, as US and UK governments work in concert to support Al-Qaeda-affiliated 'rebels' in Syria. Alex also continues breaking down the influx of scandals hitting the Obama Administration, and discusses new details surrounding radio host Adam Kokesh's detainment.

Choudary, along with Omar Bakri Muhammad, led the Islamic organization al-Muhajiroun. The group was proscribed under the UK Terrorism Act 2000 along with Islam4UK, another group led by Choudary.

Prior to the July 7, 2005 bombings in London, Bakri admitted to journalist Ron Suskind that he worked for British intelligence. Prior to the Suskind revelation, Roland Jacquard, a French counterterrorism expert and government adviser, said that "every al-Qaeda operative recently arrested or identified in Europe had come into contact with Bakri at some time or other."

Bakri's background is similar to another British intelligence plant, Abu Hamza al-Masri. The London-based imam worked with two branches of the British security services, the Special Branch of the British police and MI5, beginning in 1997.

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