Thursday, April 4, 2013

The 'Criminalize Blowjobs' Candidate for Governor (VIDEO)

"Virginia Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli has filed a petition challenging a ruling that recently struck down the state's anti-sodomy law.

The petition, filed on March 26 but reported by the Washington Blade on Wednesday, asks for a full 15-judge court to reconsider a decision made on March 12 by a three-judge panel that overturned the law."*

Ken Cuccinelli is the Atoorney General for Virginia and wants to run for governor of the state. But now he's on record for wanting to uphold anti-sodomy laws. "Sodomy" doesn't only refer to gay sex also refers to straight sex and oral sex. Does he really want all definitions of "sodomy" criminalized? As Cenk Uygur explains, he just might!

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