Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Brainwashed American People Believe The Obama Lies. His Best Accomplishments Are All Lies !

#1.  Ending Iraq War
The Iraq war was scheduled to end during Obama's term according to contracts made by George W. Bush and the Iraqi government.  In fact, Obama tried to extend our precense in Iraq if the Iraqi government would provide immunity for American troops committing crimes.  The Iraqis disagreed and the US left.
#2.  Killing Osama bin Laden
Osama bin Laden died in December 2001.   He had been kept "alive" by Bush and Obama to use as a boogey man to scare the American public when necessary.  When Osama supposedly attacked the WTC, which he denied, he was already on kidney kidney dialysis support.  The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, made the announcement of bin Laden'a death in 2001 and she was assassinated for it.
#3.    Preventing middle class tax hikes, raising taxes on rich.
The first thing the American middle class was hit with on January 1, 2013 was with a 2% tax for Obamacare and another tax for a Bush tax relief that expired and Obama did NOT extend.
Taxing the rich is like taking 10 steps back and one step forward.  The rich pay hardly any tax by now and then a small pittance of a tax is added. 

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