Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gaza Strip: Anderson Cooper Shaken in Blast. (VIDEO)

"Anderson Cooper had a close call on the Gaza frontline when a rocket exploded just a few blocks from where he was reporting live.

The CNN anchor was speaking to the camera in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Sunday night when a rocket exploded close to where he was standing, causing the veteran journalist to duck for cover.

He was discussing the death toll - which includes ten members of the same family - on the Gaza trip as Israel continues to hit Hamas strongholds. So far, 96 Palestinians and three Israelis have died since the conflict began last Wednesday."*

Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola (Host, TYT University) discuss Cooper's wartime reporting from the ground. Is it worth it to have journalists reporting live in a violent conflict? Does it accurately portray the story, or at least help?

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