Sunday, November 25, 2012

Black Friday Madness: Zombie Consumers. (VIDEO)

Mark Dice joined Best Buy shoppers in Oceanside, California to insult the throngs of people lined up waiting outside as the store prepared to kick off holiday shopping, berating those queueing for selfishly putting their own "consumerist" desires before the better interests of workers forced to come in and work on the Thanksgiving holiday.

Mark Dice recorded and uploaded his
Black Friday shenanigans as he heckled California shoppers not only at Best Buy, but Target and Sears as well — all shops that had opened early on Thanksgiving evening and necessitating the "poor retail workers" to cut family time short and report to work for the earlier than ever Black Friday kickoff.

Dice's Black Friday heckling mainly consisted of loudly shouted epithets at "mindless zombies" who were buying things they "don't need" made from "Chinese slave labor," all points repeated in each of his clips. The Black Friday heckler sarcastically thanked the lined up "hordes" for ruining other people's holidays by participating in the retail orgy, berating the shoppers whose custom required retail workers to wake up in the middle of the night and skip family time to go in and work on Thanksgiving.

 WHAT IS BLACK FRIDAY?: "Mindless zombies" who buy things they "don't need" made from "Chinese slave labor"

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