Sunday, August 19, 2012

This Former Marine Was Picked Up By The FBI Over Facebook Posts About 9/11 (VIDEOS)


A former U.S. Marine who accused the government of lying about 9/11 and spoke of “The Revolution” on Facebook was detained on Friday night, reports Renee Nal of Gather.

According to Brandon Raub’s mother, authorities from the FBI, Secret Service and Chesterfield County PD came to their door, questioned Raub about his Facebook posts – which are critical of the official story regarding 9/11 and refer to “starting a revolution” – then handcuffed him and placed him in a Chesterfield PD squad car before taking him directly to John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Va.




Jack Rabbit said...

Hi Chimp,

Pretty alarming - he's probably still in jail.

I need to write something about this - it's hard to know what else there is to say -

Chimp said...

Acording to Brandon Raub's mother, authorities from the FBI, Secret Service and Chesterfield County PD came to their door, questioned Raub about his Facebook posts – which are critical of the official story regarding 9/11 and refer to "starting a revolution" – then handcuffed him and placed him in a Chesterfield PD squad car before taking him directly to John Randolph Psychiatric Hospital in Hopewell, Va.

Gee didn't the Soviet Union do exactly the same thing to their political dissidents???