Thursday, August 16, 2012

Major Ed Dames - Remote Viewing Special !! (VIDEO)


Major Ed Dames - Remote Viewing Special !!
In discussing how remote viewing has evolved over the last 30 years, he noted that the way targets are described hasn't changed, but searching capabilities have become more sophisticated. China, he warned, is developing "remote influencing" programs with teams of people, who may one day focus their efforts on damaging military or other targets.

He revealed a remote viewed location for the biblical Ark of the Covenant-- the St. Theodosius Monastery, 10 km southeast of Jerusalem, as well as his own personal remote viewing project-- the birthplace of Barack Obama, which he claimed was in Kenya (see article below for images of the two locations). Some of Dames' other revelations included:

The solar "killshot" may occur between 2011-2013, with solar flares super-heating the atmosphere.

The Antichrist (or someone in that "lineage") is a male politician who is alive today.

When he remote viewed "Satan" some time ago, he found "it" to be a scary, "cold, crystalline entity."


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