Wednesday, August 8, 2012

AMTV News: France Plans 75% Tax Rate for Rich, U.S. Next? (VIDEO)


Welcome to AMTV News, I'm your host Topher Morrison. Today is Wednesday August 8th, 2012.

First up...
'Zero Dark Thirty' Made with Help from 'CIA & Pentagon'
London Telegraph

Next, across the pond...
Hate Crime: France to Tax Rich at 75%
New York Times

The truth hurts...
Aborting 'Ugly Black Babies' a Taxpayer Service
Washington Examiner

US Headed for Massive Inflation & Gold Spike
King World News

Rand Paul Nabs Spot at GOP Convention
Daily Caller

Not Joining Facebook is 'Suspicious'
Daily Mail

Old news is new news...
Pentagon Leak: Vaccinations to Modify Human Behavior
New America Now, You Tube

Capturing every corner of alternative media watch AMTV News Monday -- Friday. Find our in depth commentary and analysis of stories like these at, part of the AMTV Network.

8-8-12: On today's news update, Topher Morrison details France's plan for a 75% tax rate for the rich. Is the United States next?


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