Thursday, August 9, 2012

8/9/2012 -- Military Movement to Hawthorne Walker Lake - Earthquake at Hawthorne Walker Lake (VIDEO)


We got big time problems.

This video.. from Nevada .. Shot August 8, 2012..

Shows heavy troop movement .. by the own words heading to Hawthorne / Walker Lake Nevada... something to do with "water levels being low".

Move forward several hours.. and we see a 2.7M earthquake at Hawthorne / Walker Lake: Link to screenshots and EQ stats here:

If you scroll back through my public facebook...

look at the posts from yesterday August 8, 2012 .. I made a specific post about the STEAM PLUMES erupting SOUTH OF MONO LAKE OUT OF NEVADA !!

I believe these large steam plumes to be coming from deep earth aquifer rapid steam off / depletion due to heating in shallower areas from either magma rising or an accelerating plate subduction process ..

I said this in the post on facebook..

5 hours ago
wow... south of mono lake california.. im thinking the steam plume activity in mexico and the sw USA is indeed related to the subduction occurring..

makes sense to me (IMO).. as the plate is pushed underneath from the west.. the steam is rising at weaker points .. steam could be coming from the interaction of the craton and subduction zones to the SW and W ..®ion=Nevada&a...
2Like · · Share Melody Perschon, Keith Breshears and 20 others like this."

Same time the plumes are erupting.. afternoon on the 8th of August (2012) we see military movement in a major fashion going to "check on water levels" just north of the plume area.... meanwhile just south a steam plume that is MASSIVE by all standards was coming out about 80 miles south of Hawthorne.

Then........ to top it off.... an earthquake hits the area the military was traveling to.


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