Sunday, July 10, 2011

Holder Lied: Obama Admin Approved ATF Mexico Weapons Smuggling To Drug Lords That Killed Two US Agents


Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Special Agent Jaime Zapata from ICE both died from weapons that were sent to Mexico from the United States. There is no knowledge as to how many lives the U.S. weapons smuggling programs claimed in Mexico.

Eric Holder gave false info. to a Congressional Committee last May about ATF operations tied to the deaths of two U.S. Agents; we have the proof.

New information indicates that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s actions are squarely behind the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) operation known as “Fast and Furious”, which orchestrated the delivery of almost 2,000 weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Special Agent Jaime Zapata from ICE both died from weapons that were sent to Mexico from the United States.

There is no knowledge as to how many lives the U.S. weapons smuggling programs claimed in Mexico.

Holder openly proclaimed his connection to the operation in April 2009 during a publicized speech in Mexico, then told a Congressional Committee in May 2011, “I probably heard of Fast and Furious the first time in the last few weeks.”

Congressman says unlikely Holder did not know about Operation Fast and Furious

Mexican authorities want to prosecute officials responsible for program

Obama Sells Machine Guns To Drug Dealers While Working Secret Backroom Deals To Steal Our Guns


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