Sunday, January 31, 2010
Justice Department Bans Justice for Torturers

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The Obama Justice Department has apparently decided that, since torture is not a crime (at least not anything deserving of prosecution), then concocting legal doctrines that unleashed torturers around the world is also no offense.

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The Obama Justice Department has apparently decided that, since torture is not a crime (at least not anything deserving of prosecution), then concocting legal doctrines that unleashed torturers around the world is also no offense.
A Justice Department internal investigation has concluded that John Yoo and Jay Bybee were gulity only of “poor judgment” in their memos which brought the Middle Ages into the new Millennium.
The Washington Post notes: “The conclusion is likely to unsettle interest groups that have sought a reckoning for lawyers who made possible brutal interrogation, warrantless wiretapping and other Bush counterterrorism strategies.”
Perhaps the Washington Post believes that only special interests oppose torture????
It's the Stupid Sex, Stupid

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Last year, Bristol agreed to become an ambassador for the Candies Foundation.


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Last year, Bristol agreed to become an ambassador for the Candies Foundation.
"I am so happy to have this opportunity to work with The Candie's Foundation on spreading the message of teen pregnancy prevention. I feel that I could be a living example of the consequences of teen pregnancy." Palin added, "If I can prevent even one girl from getting pregnant, I will feel a sense of accomplishment."
Candies is the company that purveys hooker-wear for teens with mixed messages like its “Be Sexy Tees” line. (Get it? Be a sexy tease? Funny!) The tee shirts, which come in a range of sizes, from skin-tight to super skin-tight, say, “I’m sexy enough...to keep you waiting.” (Get it? She’s sexy, but since she’s a “good girl,” she won’t give it up. Except that, statistically speaking, she probably will.)
Candies wants to help fight teen pregnancy, but not in any way that might actually, you know, work.
Its whole strategy is to tell teens to wait.
Wear sexy clothes, but don’t have sex.
Just don’t have sex. Its page of “tips” are all about sex -- not safe sex, mind, you, but how most teens who end up pregnant hadn’t really considered the consequences of sex. So, you see, just don’t do it, and then you won’t have that problem.
Naturally, Bristol is the perfect spokesperson for this campaign.
Because even though she had sex, and we all know it, there’s no law that says she can’t pretend she didn’t have sex and that her vows of abstinence won’t be true in the future.
And that’s exactly what she's promised -– before God and her mother and Oprah and everyone.
"I'm not going to have sex until I'm married. I can guarantee it."
And when pressed by Oprah, she insisted that her pledge is not unrealistic because, dang it, this time she means it.
Why does this matter? Why should anyone care what Bristol Palin has to say about the weather, let alone about sex?
Because Bristol Palin embodies the kind of counter-productive, over-politicized and downright stupid policies that have led to an increase in teen pregnancy rates for the first time in a decade.

Oil in Haiti: Reasons for the US Occupation

Haiti lies in an area that has undiscovered amounts of oil, it must have oil and the earthquake "may have left clues" to petroleum reservoirs!

Haiti lies in an area that has undiscovered amounts of oil, it must have oil and the earthquake "may have left clues" to petroleum reservoirs!
Oil that, uhmmm, "could aid economic recovery in the Western Hemisphere's poorest nation, a geologist said."
Yep, yep he may really mean: "that could aid Haiti's US-occupied economy recover its strategic oil reserves" for the global elite. No?
Bankrupt US AT WAR WITH YEMEN, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan and Haiti Occupation

Pentagon to Send More Special Forces Troops to Yemen

Pentagon to Send More Special Forces Troops to Yemen
The Pentagon is assigning more special forces personnel to Yemen as part of a broad push to speed the training of the country's counterterror forces in the wake of the failed Christmas Day attack on a crowded U.S. airliner.
WRH's Commentary:
Great timing; just when the Shiite rebels in north Yemen have signaled that they would accept the government's conditions to end the war, what is the US doing?
Sending in more troops, of course!
Shades of Vietnam???
See: Yemen rebels 'would accept conditional end to war'
Medicine running out at Haiti hospitals, clinics

Basic medical supplies such as antibiotics and painkillers are running dangerously low at some hospitals and clinics in Port-au-Prince, the capital, and in the countryside, alarming doctors who are struggling to keep up with demand.

Basic medical supplies such as antibiotics and painkillers are running dangerously low at some hospitals and clinics in Port-au-Prince, the capital, and in the countryside, alarming doctors who are struggling to keep up with demand.
WRH's Commentary:
If the US military presence in Haiti was strictly about humanitarian relief, this situation would not have happened
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Palin On Whether She Will Still Speak At ‘Scammy’ Tea Party Convention: ‘You Betcha!’

Tea Party activists and loyalists have recently criticized the National Tea Party Convention set to take place in Nashville, TN next month, balking at the expensive ticket prices and the fact that the “scammy” event is for-profit.

Tea Party activists and loyalists have recently criticized the National Tea Party Convention set to take place in Nashville, TN next month, balking at the expensive ticket prices and the fact that the “scammy” event is for-profit.
“That’s not what the tea party is about,” said one local Tea Party leader.
After reports spread about the controversy, the convention began to unravel, as featured speakers Reps. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) decided to drop out.
Sarah Palin is also billed for a keynote speaking slot at the event. She will reportedly receive $115,000 for the appearance, and last night on Fox News, Palin said she has no intention of abandoning the convention.
Iraq inquiry: families of fallen soldiers accuse Tony Blair

A protester dressed in a Tony Blair mask with bloodied hands and wearing handcuffs carries a mock coffin
Picture: GETTY

A protester dressed in a Tony Blair mask with bloodied hands and wearing handcuffs carries a mock coffin
Picture: GETTY
Families of the soldiers killed in Iraq accused Tony Blair of failing to justify his decision to go to war after his appearance at the Chilcot inquiry.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sarah Palin Has A Magazine In New York City, Too

Wonkette waiting room reading material operative “Chris C.” sends this picture of some Sarah Palin magazine he saw, right above the latest Scott Brown (?) nudie mag, at “a real grocery store, in God-Hating Penisville, aka nyc’s Greenwich Village.”

Wonkette waiting room reading material operative “Chris C.” sends this picture of some Sarah Palin magazine he saw, right above the latest Scott Brown (?) nudie mag, at “a real grocery store, in God-Hating Penisville, aka nyc’s Greenwich Village.”
The simplistic cover suggests that it’s a version of Going Rogue for third-graders. Oh wait, a version of Going Rogue for third-graders is just the regular Going Rogue. So it’s probably a phone card or something… OH LOOK COCKTAIL HOUR have a good weekend!
Republicans dismayed by Obama’s strong performance, say it was a ‘mistake’ to let cameras roll.
Poll: Americans pretty dumb about US and world politics

Health care? Fewer than one in three Americans even know that no Republicans voted for the Senate health care overhaul.

Health care? Fewer than one in three Americans even know that no Republicans voted for the Senate health care overhaul.
Americans' ignorance about politics isn't new, but the latest results from the Pew Poll suggest few are really paying attention.
"Now we know for sure that we have the best education system and propaganda system in the world." - Director of Dumbing Americans Association
Obama spars with GOP in no-holds-barred debate and WINS!

A combative President Obama sparred back and forth with Republicans at a House GOP retreat in Baltimore Friday.
Obama knocks out the GOP and FOX News!
A combative President Obama sparred back and forth with Republicans at a House GOP retreat in Baltimore Friday.
It was an unusual question-and-answer session.
And even some conservative commentators admit Obama won the debate and gave himself a much-needed image boost.
Fox News cut live feed of Obama debate half-way through because Obama was winning; GOP aides say allowing LIVE cameras was a 'mistake'
SEE: Fox Cuts Away From Obama-GOP Conversation
Meet the world's second 'pregnant man': Scott Moore expecting baby

Fame Pictures
"We were so happy, we did what all gay men do when they get excited," Thomas said of learning Scott was pregnant. "We went shopping."
Congratulations, it's a boy - who will give birth next month.

Fame Pictures
"We were so happy, we did what all gay men do when they get excited," Thomas said of learning Scott was pregnant. "We went shopping."
Congratulations, it's a boy - who will give birth next month.
Two proud papas are expecting a baby boy in February, London's Daily Mail reports, in what will be the world's second known case of birth by a "pregnant man."
"We know some people will criticize us, but we are blissfully happy and not ashamed," Scott Moore told the newspaper.
Moore and his husband, Thomas, were both born female and have undergone surgery to change their sex.
The transgender California couple is legally married, as Moore still has his female birth certificate.
Haiti recovery 'to take decades'

Aid agencies have called for an urgent airdrop of 200,000 tents to Haiti.

"Haitians had a pact with the devil." Pat Robertson says. He knows. His buddy, the devil told him.
Aid agencies have called for an urgent airdrop of 200,000 tents to Haiti.
The acting head of the UN mission in Haiti has said reconstruction will take several decades, following the devastating earthquake two weeks ago.
"They only have one tractor pulled by a couple of donkeys. All the earthquake donation money seems to have disappeared. I figure they should be back on their feet in 30 or 40 years." - Unofficial UN Souse
Grand Canyon and Yellowstone put up for sale by feds on EBay


"We think this is a win-win situation for everyone", said Ken Salazar the president's Secretary of the Interior. He further stated that the federal government would no longer need to support these aging relics and that the money received on the sale would go immediately to paying off our debt to the Federal Reserve and more bonuses for Wall Street executives.
Will war criminal Tony Blair be brought to justice?

Don't get your hopes up

Don't get your hopes up
We all know that there wasn't a legal case for the war. That there was no thought given to whether this was the right thing to do, or to what would happen if it was done.
We also know that this was really America's - well, Dubya's (or Cheney’s) - idea, and we all know that Tony only joined in because his tongue was jammed so far up Bush's ass that he had no choice but to follow him wherever he went.
Swine Flu Didn't Fly

"On Tuesday, the Council of Europe launched an investigation into whether the World Health Organization "faked" the swine flu pandemic to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers. The inquiry, held in Strasbourg, France, vindicates a worldwide movement of insiders, experts, and elected officials who accuse the United Nations organization of misleading the world into buying millions of unnecessary vaccines.

On Tuesday, the Council of Europe launched an investigation into whether the World Health Organization "faked" the swine flu pandemic to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers. The inquiry, held in Strasbourg, France, vindicates a worldwide movement of insiders, experts, and elected officials who accuse the United Nations organization of misleading the world into buying millions of unnecessary vaccines.
"We got more flus where the piggy flu came from. We got cat flu and dog flu and hamster flu. And we have the vaccines to save your misserable lives!" - Big Pharma
Swine Flu Pandemic Was a “Completely Exaggerated” Hoax

A scientist with the World Health Organisation has testified, during ongoing hearings in Strasbourg, France, that the swine flu pandemic was part of an overblown “angst campaign”, devised in conjunction with major drug companies to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers.

"They're going to blame the flu on me next?"
A scientist with the World Health Organisation has testified, during ongoing hearings in Strasbourg, France, that the swine flu pandemic was part of an overblown “angst campaign”, devised in conjunction with major drug companies to boost profits for vaccine manufacturers.
"Cat flu pandemic HOAX is next on big pharma's list! Get your kitties vaccinated! You birds and pigs are OK for now!"
Thursday, January 28, 2010
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.


George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism

Courts decide Guantanamo detainees are not "persons" under US law


"The US Supreme Court said I am a person. Give me a glass of oil."
But corporations are???????
"Did I get this straight? War is peace. Corporations are people. Detainees are not persons. Bailout money is for executive bonuses. The devil caused Haiti earthquake. I think I got it!!!"
Haiti Gets a Penny of Each U.S. Aid Dollar

Of each U.S. taxpayer dollar, 40 cents is going to the U.S. military, paying for security, search and rescue teams, and the Navy's hospital ship USNS Comfort.

Of each U.S. taxpayer dollar, 40 cents is going to the U.S. military, paying for security, search and rescue teams, and the Navy's hospital ship USNS Comfort.
Another 36 cents funds US AID's disaster assistance - everything from $5,000 generators to $35 hygiene kits with soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste for a family of five.
Just over a dime has already been spent on food: 122 million pounds of pinto beans, black beans, rice, corn soy blend and vegetable oil. When purchased in bulk, the actual food prices are relatively low. Pinto beans, for example, cost the U.S. government 40 cents a pound when purchased in 5 million-pound batches last week.
Drug firms 'drove swine flu pandemic warning to recoup £billions spent on research'

An inquiry heard yesterday that the WHO allegedly softened its criteria for declaring a H1N1 flu pandemic last spring - just weeks before announcing there was a worldwide outbreak.


An inquiry heard yesterday that the WHO allegedly softened its criteria for declaring a H1N1 flu pandemic last spring - just weeks before announcing there was a worldwide outbreak.
Critics said the decision was driven by pharmaceutical companies desperate to recoup the billions of pounds they had invested in researching and developing pandemic vaccines after the bird flu scares in 2006 and 2007.

Bird flu hoax didn't work. Big pharma only made millions. Swine flu could be hidden in normal flu. Big pharma made billions.
The Kidnapping of Haiti

The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads.

The theft of Haiti has been swift and crude. On 22 January, the United States secured “formal approval” from the United Nations to take over all air and sea ports in Haiti, and to “secure” roads.
No Haitian signed the agreement, which has no basis in law. Power rules in an American naval blockade and the arrival of 13,000 marines, special forces, spooks and mercenaries, none with humanitarian relief training.
Mad Scientists Want To Simulate Volcanoes To Block Sun To Stop Non-Existent Global Warming

Despite the fact that Climategate, Glaciergate, Amazongate, and a host of other mammoth, caught red-handed examples of global warming alarmists engaging in outright fraud to manufacture a link between CO2 emissions and climate change have been exposed over the last two months, geoengineering nuts are still insisting on the necessity of carrying out their own man-made climate change by loading the atmosphere with sulphuric particles in an effort to block the very source of all life on earth – the sun.


Despite the fact that Climategate, Glaciergate, Amazongate, and a host of other mammoth, caught red-handed examples of global warming alarmists engaging in outright fraud to manufacture a link between CO2 emissions and climate change have been exposed over the last two months, geoengineering nuts are still insisting on the necessity of carrying out their own man-made climate change by loading the atmosphere with sulphuric particles in an effort to block the very source of all life on earth – the sun.
“A geoengineering project to block the sun by simulating volcanic eruptions would be 100 times cheaper than cutting greenhouse gas emissions, climate change scientists said,” reports the Telegraph.
WRH's Commentary:
"Let's blow up the sun; that'll REALLY cool things down!!!" -- Saint Al of the Gore, PhD (Piled higher and deeper)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Is Journalism Dead? Poll Finds Fox News Most Trusted Name in News

Is Journalism dead in America?


Is Journalism dead in America?
A new Public Policy Poll found that a majority of Americans trusted Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News network to provide them with the most unbiased reporting.
Since Fox News is an unabashed conservative propaganda outlet that serves as a media arm of the GOP, the results of this poll are quite puzzling and disturbing.
What does it mean that 49 percent of the people polled trust Fox News?
Are people really that stupid?

I'm not surprised. These are the same sheeple who elected a drug using, drunken, idiot born-again-Christian as US president - TWICE!
US runs ’secret’ military operations in Yemen

Washington has involved in secret joint operations in Yemen after President Barack Obama approved US military and intelligence teams to be dispatched to the country, the Washington Post revealed Wednesday.
Washington has involved in secret joint operations in Yemen after President Barack Obama approved US military and intelligence teams to be dispatched to the country, the Washington Post revealed Wednesday.
The operations begun six weeks ago, involving troops from the US military’s clandestine Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), whose main mission is tracking and killing suspected terrorists, the Post reported.
Global Warming Fraud Collapses Amidst Deception And Scandal

The multi-billion dollar global warming fraud is truly beginning to crumble, with even vehement man-made climate change advocates like the BBC acknowledging that the credibility of the IPCC is shot.

The multi-billion dollar global warming fraud is truly beginning to crumble, with even vehement man-made climate change advocates like the BBC acknowledging that the credibility of the IPCC is shot.
“The bloggers are all over the UN IPCC 2007 report, the bible of global warming, which predicted all manner of dire outcomes for our planet unless we got a grip on rising temperatures — and it seems to be crumbling in some pretty significant areas,” writes the BBC’s Andrew Neil in an article entitled ‘The dam is cracking‘.
Climategate was merely the opening salvo in a series of seemingly never-ending scandals that have engulfed the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change over the last few weeks.
Rule by the Rich

The election of Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate by Democratic voters in Massachusetts sends President Obama a message.

The election of Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate by Democratic voters in Massachusetts sends President Obama a message.
Voters perceive that Obama’s administration has morphed into a Bush-Cheney government.
Obama has reneged on every promise he made, from ending wars, to closing Gitmo, to providing health care for Americans, to curtailing the domestic police state, to putting the interests of dispossessed Americans ahead of the interests of the rich banksters who robbed Americans of their homes and pensions.
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