Lee Harvey Oswald strongly denied any responsibility for the JFK murder. The CIA says, "Lee H.Oswald was trained by this agency,under the office of Naval Intelligence,for Soviet assignments. During preliminary training,in 1957,subject was active in aerial reconnaissance of mainland China and maintained a security clearance of up to the confidential level."
The media narrative which is now being consolidated a week after the shootings is full of contradictions, embarrassed silences, and absurdities.
A third and distinct approach to this case is therefore required, one which regards Major Hasan as a manipulated patsy in the context of a relatively sophisticated operation mounted by forces within the US intelligence community, using methods and assets which by now ought to have become familiar.
Major Hasan can be seen as a mixture of Lee Harvey Oswald, legendary 9/11 "suicide pilot" Mohammed Atta, and Cho Seung-Hui (the alleged April 2007 Virginia Tech shooter).
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