You may recall, we discussed the arrest of Stewart David Nozette, an MIT educated scientist with a Ph.D. in Planetary Science who at one time enjoyed “top secret” clearance at the White House and was employed at the Department of Defense (DOD), the Department of Energy (DOE), NASA, and the Pentagon.
Well Nozette was arrested for espionage last month for attempting to sell highly classified U.S. military secrets including some involving nuclear technology.
He was attempting to sell it to Israel, or Mossad (Israel’s Secret Service) to be precise, but was actually negotiating with an undercover FBI agent.
Like we said then, the government and the controlled media tried to downplay this one as much as possible, bending over backwards to make sure the whole world knew that “the complaint does not allege that the government of Israel or anyone acting on its behalf committed any offense under U.S. laws in this case”.
It was as if there was more concern about potentially embarrassing Israel than prosecuting what could have been one of the most severe breaches ever in U.S. national security!
`It was amazing how stupid the government and media must think we all are.
Nozette was on the payroll of Israel Aerospace Industries and we are supposed to believe that Israel wasn’t involved with this attempted espionage.
And we noted that this would not have been the first time Israel had been caught stealing and spying on the U.S. government.
That is as common knowledge as Israel’s nuclear arsenal in the Middle East. We all know about it, but Wolf Blitzer and his tribe prefer not to talk about it.
So in this Pravda article entitled, ”FBI Wants Americans to Work at Mossad”. First thing that caught my eye was “Israeli authorities have not commented on the arrest of the US scientist yet”.
Now I was not expecting Blitzer and the boys to tell us anything about this incident but I would have expected, as a simple matter of protocol, that at least the Israeli government would have offered a formal denial of any involvement.
I mean they probably already have a drawer full of formal denial documents and just needed to send one out. But they are no more concerned about this arrest than our own government is.
So that was interesting but the real jewel in this article was when the Pravda interviewed a senior official from the Russian Academy of Sciences, by the name of Anatoly Utkin.
From Utkin we learn that he does not even think this arrest will have any impact on U.S.-Israeli relations. Utkin said, “It’s not the first story like that, such incidents have already happened before. Israeli special services were trying to obtain some information about secret technologies in the United States, which is not surprising at all” (I for one was not surprised).
He continued, pointing out the advanced technology available in the U.S. and that the world renowned, Silicone Valley, is also “where many Israeli scientists work.”
But my favorite line in the entire article was when Utkin stated,
“The previous spy scandals did not affect the relations between the USA and Israel. One should bear in mind the fact that the Jewish lobby is the strongest one in the USA.”.
Not only do we allow our government to put each and every one of us at risk from these foreign relations polices with Israel, it makes us the laughing stock of the world.
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