Monday, November 30, 2009
Afghans detail a secret 'black jail' on U.S. base

A U.S. military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes weeks at a time and without access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to human rights researchers and former detainees held at the site on the Bagram Air Base.

A U.S. military detention camp in Afghanistan is still holding inmates for sometimes weeks at a time and without access to the International Committee of the Red Cross, according to human rights researchers and former detainees held at the site on the Bagram Air Base.
The site consists of individual windowless concrete cells, each lighted by a single light bulb glowing 24 hours a day, where detainees said that their only contact with another human being was at twice-daily interrogation sessions.
The jail's operation highlights a tension between President Barack Obama's goal to improve detention conditions that had drawn condemnation under the Bush administration and his desire to give military commanders leeway to operate.
In this case, that means isolating certain prisoners for a period of time so interrogators can extract information or flush out confederates.
While Obama signed in January an order to eliminate so-called black sites run by the CIA, that order did not apply to this jail, which is run by military Special Operations forces.
Climategate: let the investigation begin

"Al Gore gets rich while blaming you for global warming! His scientists got caught with their hands in the cookie jar!"
The big media may think they can go on forever ignoring the Climategate scandal — whereby "respected" scientists have been caught red-handed doctoring evidence so as to perpetrate the fraudulent perception of man-made "global warming."

"Al Gore gets rich while blaming you for global warming! His scientists got caught with their hands in the cookie jar!"
The big media may think they can go on forever ignoring the Climategate scandal — whereby "respected" scientists have been caught red-handed doctoring evidence so as to perpetrate the fraudulent perception of man-made "global warming."
But investigative forces are gathering that clearly indicate the issue will not go away. And if we have to depend on Fox News, Talk Radio, and the Internet to get the facts out, so be it. It may take time, but information will circulate by word of mouth until at some point, the kept-media's stubborn refusal to report the story will make them look stupid.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Climategate: Googlegate?

What is going on at Google? I only ask because last night when I typed “Global Warming” into Google News the top item was Christopher Booker’s superb analysis of the Climategate scandal.

What is going on at Google? I only ask because last night when I typed “Global Warming” into Google News the top item was Christopher Booker’s superb analysis of the Climategate scandal.
It’s still the most-read article of the Telegraph’s entire online operation – 430 comments and counting –
yet mysteriously when you try the same search now it doesn’t even feature. Instead, the top-featured item is a blogger pushing Al Gore’s AGW agenda.
Perhaps there’s nothing sinister in this. Perhaps some Google-savvy reader can enlighten me…..
Michael Mann first of climate change scientists to be investigated

Dr. Michael Mann will be investigated by Penn State University
following the release of more than a thousand emails from the
world's top climate scientists. The university said it was "looking
into the matter" and "reviewing the concerns that have been
raised." (Penn State University)
The fallout from the Climategate event continues as one of its primary participants, Dr. Michael Mann, is to be investigated by his employer, Penn State University.

Dr. Michael Mann will be investigated by Penn State University
following the release of more than a thousand emails from the
world's top climate scientists. The university said it was "looking
into the matter" and "reviewing the concerns that have been
raised." (Penn State University)
The fallout from the Climategate event continues as one of its primary participants, Dr. Michael Mann, is to be investigated by his employer, Penn State University.
Among the more than one thousand emails released on the Internet, Mann featured prominently in many of them oftentimes making rather controversial comments.
Mann serves as the director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State and has long been one of the more controversial figures in the debate about manmade climate change.
He is the author of the infamous ‘hockey stick’ graph which was used by Al Gore in “An Inconvenient Truth” but later was proven to be inaccurate.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Global warming fraud uncovered

The fraud that is “Global Warming” has been exposed by a smoking gun that even the leftist mainstream media cannot ignore.

The fraud that is “Global Warming” has been exposed by a smoking gun that even the leftist mainstream media cannot ignore.
One of the major climate change advocacy centers recently had their email systems hacked and had their internal emails posted online.
The University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit has been caught red-handed discussing techniques to generate fraudulent data.
The New York Times quietly reported: "Officials at the University of East Anglia confirmed in a statement on Friday that files had been stolen from a university server and that the police had been brought in to investigate the breach."
The left-wing position on global warming is based upon on an appeal to authority: the “consensus” among climate scientists that global warming is real, dangerous and man-caused (anthropogenic global warming, or, AGW).
Obviously, if this "consensus" is based upon the intentional suppression of alternative hypotheses, it is, quite clearly, a fraudulent one.
Investigate E-Mails On Climate Change

The attitude Carol Browner, President Barack Obama's chief adviser on global warming, has taken in regard to tampering with science is typical of the rush to climate change judgment.

The attitude Carol Browner, President Barack Obama's chief adviser on global warming, has taken in regard to tampering with science is typical of the rush to climate change judgment.
Journalists have obtained copies of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit at a British university. According to a published report, the e-mails seem to indicate that university researchers were attempting to cover up data that contradicted claims of global warming.
More worrisome, the messages indicated attempts to "freeze out" scientists who disagree with global warming claims.
Browner has dismissed the reports, concluding that "this problem is real."
Sen. James Inhofe, D-Okla., has called for an investigation into the e-mails. We agree with him but think a broader probe is in order.
There have been too many reports of doctored "scientific" research and of global warming skeptics punished for their views to ignore.
The Birth of the 'Global Warming' Hoax

EIR published in its June 8, 2007 issue, this groundbreaking article exposing how the fraudulent "global warming" propaganda drive, now causing such an uproar around the Copenhagen Summit, was initiated by Malthusian fanatics.

EIR published in its June 8, 2007 issue, this groundbreaking article exposing how the fraudulent "global warming" propaganda drive, now causing such an uproar around the Copenhagen Summit, was initiated by Malthusian fanatics.
The article revealed the stated intention of these fanatics: to prevent Third World development, because, they claimed, the additional people this development would produce, would pose a threat to the environment.
A PDF version of this article, suitable for printing, can be seen here.
Book Calls Jewish People an ‘Invention’

Despite the fragmented and incomplete historical record, experts pretty much agree that some popular beliefs about Jewish history simply don’t hold up: there was no sudden expulsion of all Jews from Jerusalem in A.D. 70, for instance.

Despite the fragmented and incomplete historical record, experts pretty much agree that some popular beliefs about Jewish history simply don’t hold up: there was no sudden expulsion of all Jews from Jerusalem in A.D. 70, for instance.
What’s more, modern Jews owe their ancestry as much to converts from the first millennium and early Middle Ages as to the Jews of antiquity.
Other theories, like the notion that many of today’s Palestinians can legitimately claim to be descended from the ancient Jews, are familiar and serious subjects of study, even if no definitive answer yet exists.
Priests, police hid years of child sex abuse

A shocking report released overnight reveals that sexual abuse by Catholic Priests in Ireland was covered up for decades by both the church and police.

A shocking report released overnight reveals that sexual abuse by Catholic Priests in Ireland was covered up for decades by both the church and police.
The 720-page report says the official policy from 1975 to 2004 was to protect the reputation of the church at the expense of the victims.
Maree Collins was sexually assaulted in 1960. But when she reported the abuse, the Catholic Church moved the priest to another parish.
The report says that was a common practise for dealing with abusive priests because there was a conspiracy to protect the church, not the welfare of the children in its care.
Priests considered above the law
The damning report analyses the cases of 46 priests against whom 320 complaints were filed.
In one case a priest admitted to attacking more than 100 children but instead of helping those defenceless members of the parish, the church covered it up.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Global Warming Hoax Is A Crime Against Humanity

"Coal Billionaire" Al Gore
Climate czar rejects doctored data claims

"Coal Billionaire" Al Gore
Climate czar rejects doctored data claims
Obama administration climate czar Carol Browner on Wednesday rejected claims that e-mails stolen from a British university show that climate scientists trumped up global-warming numbers, saying she considers the science settled.
WRH Webmaster Commentary:
This is why Czars have gone out of fashion.
Folks, I have heard Climategate described as the greatest science scandal of all time. It is that and much more. It is also the greatest political scandal of all time because the agenda was not scientific but political; to trick the entire world into accepting the yoke of global government and global taxation.
In other words Climategate (and Swine-11 and the financial crash) were created to enslave the entire human race. It is a monstrous conspiracy that involved the US Government, corrupted scientists, and the corporate media, all led by the United Nations' IPCC.
As such, I disagree with those who say that Climategate is a scan, or a fraud, or even treason. It is so very much more than that. Climategate is a crime against the entire planet. It is a crime against humanity. It is the greatest crime in history and its conspirators deserve the greatest punishment in history.
In standing up to be counted with the global warming fraudsters, Obama's Climate Czar, who owes her position and paycheck to the manufactured fraud of human-caused global warming, has proven to America that this government is an enemy of the people, willing to sell us all into global bondage for the sake of power and thirty pieces of silver.
Carol Browner is not an elected official. She is a proven liar because she supports a proven hoax that evinces a design to reduce all human under an absolute global despotism and taxation from which there will be no recourse and no escape. I do not recognize her authority over me, and certainly have no respect for her absence of scientific awareness in this matter.
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” -- The Declaration of Independence
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Home For Holidays: Too Expensive To Travel

There's still family, turkey and football, but one Thanksgiving tradition is taking a hit this year. Millions of Americans are spending the holiday at home, saying the poor economy has made it unaffordable to hit the road or board a plane.

There's still family, turkey and football, but one Thanksgiving tradition is taking a hit this year. Millions of Americans are spending the holiday at home, saying the poor economy has made it unaffordable to hit the road or board a plane.
"It's too expensive," said Benita Hall, 24, a nurse's aide who can't afford to travel from Cincinnati to Atlanta to see her mother and siblings. "It's depressing because you want to be with your family for the holidays."
Nearly 38 million people are expected to take trips this year, slightly more than last year but 20 million fewer than in 2005 when the economy was better, according to AAA auto club.
Air travel is expected to drop 6.7 percent this holiday compared with last year, AAA said.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Copenhagen hosts greenhouse gasbags

For the record: there is no global warming crisis.

For the record: there is no global warming crisis.
It is a bogus issue designed to allow government to control more of our lives and reach ever more deeply into our wallets.
The Earth has in fact been cooling for the last decade.
Throughout history, there have been alternating periods of warming and cooling. These phenomena occur naturally and are controlled by action taking place on the sun, which, as you know, we cannot control.
My grade school geography book taught that there will be another Ice Age, but not to worry, because this new Ice Age was 10,000 years down the road.
The tenacity with which the acolytes of global warming cling to their religion is enough to impress a jihadist.
Time and again, we read that 2,500 or so scientists have studied the "crisis" and have signed on to the conclusion that the world is doomed unless "drastic measures" are taken right now.
Any other opinion, particularly one which employs real, as opposed to "junk" science, either goes unreported or is derided as the work of a few quacks.
Global Warming, err Climate Change err Hoax

Well what have we here?

Well what have we here?
Another hoax perpetrated by the progressive flat earthers exposed for the fraud it is?
It would seem so.
Of course if you're a true believer and tuned to the "green" MSDNC you won't know that.
Or if the Old Grey Lady is your fish wrap of choice you won't read about it there either.
But those of you who worship at the altar of liberalism must proclaim your allegiance to the mighty ObaMao.
So it's off to Copenhagen to sell us all down the river for what?
Junk Science!
Climategate: 'Scientists would rather change facts than their theories'
WRH Webmaster Commentary:
WRH Webmaster Commentary:
This is a very subtle piece of propaganda.
This story and several others like it are trying to place the focus (and blame) for the Global Warming Hoax onto the scientists caught rigging the data. And yes, those scientists who sold out scientific method and their honor for a grant are guilty and have not gotten half the kicking around they deserve.
But in our haste to toss mud at those clean white lab coats, let us remember the golden rule of science; he who has the gold makes the rules.
So, the real culprits are the politicians and power brokers and investors; the NON-scientists, who bought themselves a crisis to use to trick the people of the world out of their money and their freedom, THESE are the real villains!
And in true villain style they are looking to offer up their hired help as sacrificial lambs for the slaughter in order to save their own sorry asses.
Please do not fall for it.
The great 'global warming' hoax

While all eyes focus on the unfolding drama of the "health-care reform–health-insurance reform–jobs bill," another critical part of the "Change America" plan just took a torpedo midships.

While all eyes focus on the unfolding drama of the "health-care reform–health-insurance reform–jobs bill," another critical part of the "Change America" plan just took a torpedo midships.
Some 1,000 e-mails and 3,000 documents from the Climate Research Unit at the U.K.'s University of East Anglia (where the "world's leading climate scientists work") have been leaked.
The blogosphere is on fire – cover-up, falsified studies, intimidation of skeptics. It's all there.
British Iraq war inquiry ‘will not hold back’???

The official inquiry into Britain’s involvement in the invasion of Iraq has begun, promising a thorough investigation which could embarrass the government in the run-up to the next general election.

The official inquiry into Britain’s involvement in the invasion of Iraq has begun, promising a thorough investigation which could embarrass the government in the run-up to the next general election.
Critics of the war say intelligence evidence was distorted to justify military action.
“We are not a court of law, nor are we an inquest or indeed a statutory inquiry, and our processes reflect that,” said Iraq Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot. “No-one is on trial here, we cannot determine guilt or innocence, only courts can do that.
But I make a commitment here that once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms, either of institutions or processes or of individuals where they are truly warranted.”
Most hearings will be held in public, but Sir John said some sessions may be in private when issues affecting national security are addressed.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker Leaks E-Mails Exposing the Global Warming Hoax
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