Thursday, December 31, 2009
World starts welcoming 2010

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Under explosive bursts of fireworks more than a million New Year revellers in Sydney got one of the world's biggest parties started today - bidding farewell to the tough year that was 2009.

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Fireworks explode over Sydney Harbour
Under explosive bursts of fireworks more than a million New Year revellers in Sydney got one of the world's biggest parties started today - bidding farewell to the tough year that was 2009.
As the family-friendly, pre-midnight show illuminated Australia's largest city, preparations were under way across the world for pyrotechnics, parties and prayers in the final countdown to herald the end of the period dubbed "the Noughties."
The Most Iconic Images Of The Decade (PHOTOS)


President Bush declares the end of major combat in Iraq as he speaks aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln off the California coast, May 1, 2003. Sign behind him: "Mission Accomplished". THAT WAS OVER SIX-AND-A-HALF YEARS AGO.
Was NW bomber suspect a Manchurian Candidate?

The Christmas day Northwest Airlines flight scare has made top headlines and brought fear once again into the hearts of many passengers. Yet bizarre evidence has arisen from many quarters raising serious questions about what really happened on this strange flight.

The Christmas day Northwest Airlines flight scare has made top headlines and brought fear once again into the hearts of many passengers. Yet bizarre evidence has arisen from many quarters raising serious questions about what really happened on this strange flight.
Could this man have been a Manchurian Candidate?
CNN News has provided some of the best coverage of the many questions around this bizarre tale. A December 28th CNN News broadcast begins with this comment,
"So, just how did a guy on a terror watch list with a one-way ticket paid for in cash, with no luggage, a man who has been barred from Britain, informed on by his own father, how did this guy manage to board a U.S. airliner and allegedly try to blow it to pieces?"
See Also: Fort Hood Shooter...a Classic Manchurian Candidate
US 'aware of Nigerian attacker'

The US knew of "a Nigerian" in Yemen being prepared for a terrorist attack - weeks before a failed bombing on a US plane.

The US knew of "a Nigerian" in Yemen being prepared for a terrorist attack - weeks before a failed bombing on a US plane.
"Yeah, we knew. But we wanted the Obama White House to get a black eye, even if it would cost the lives of over 300 civilians. It worked. The GOP got their best Christmas gift ever." - Official American Secret Intelligence Souse
'CIA, FBI paranoid about Israel's secret service Mossad'

A former US official has said that both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are extremely paranoid about the Israeli secret service Mossad and Jews, and adds that the charges of espionage against US Defense Department scientist Stewart Nozette reflect this fear and "extreme view".

A former US official has said that both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are extremely paranoid about the Israeli secret service Mossad and Jews, and adds that the charges of espionage against US Defense Department scientist Stewart Nozette reflect this fear and "extreme view".
These fears against Israel, former AIPAC staffer Steve Rosen tells The Jerusalem Post, could harm US-Israel relations.
"One of the things that our case revealed is the very extreme views that are held by some in counter-intelligence agencies of the CIA and FBI about Israel," Rosen said.
"They believe that the Mossad spied on the US on a huge scale and they believe that the Pollard case was the tip of some sort of iceberg," he added.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sex-obsessed Foley returns to limelight with Facebook ‘drunk smear’

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An Internet rumor about a Democratic senator being drunk on the Senate floor has prompted Mark Foley, the disgraced Florida Republican, to issue harsh words of condemnation that some observers see as being hypocritical.


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An Internet rumor about a Democratic senator being drunk on the Senate floor has prompted Mark Foley, the disgraced Florida Republican, to issue harsh words of condemnation that some observers see as being hypocritical.
Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) was accused last week by an anonymous YouTube user of being drunk on the Senate floor December 22.
Despite the lack of evidence, the Internet rumor made its way into the news cycle, with the Drudge Report headlining it under the title "DRUNK WITH POWER? TOP DEM SLURS ON SENATE FLOOR..."
And that's when former Florida House Rep. Mark Foley got in on the action.
Foley, who was forced to resign in September, 2006, after it emerged that he had exchanged sexually-charged text messages with underage congressional interns, posted the video to his Facebook page.

Did "Print" Books Become Obsolete Also?

In the US, Amazon says its Kindle e-book reader is its most gifted product. Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images
Amazon e-book sales overtake print for first time

In the US, Amazon says its Kindle e-book reader is its most gifted product. Photograph: Mario Tama/Getty Images
Amazon e-book sales overtake print for first time
Online retailer may be on target for sales of 500,000 Kindle e-readers over Christmas
12 Things That Became Obsolete This Decade (PHOTOS)


Users have traded Britannicas on the bookshelf for the collaboratively-built, online-only Wikipedia.
Blue moon to occur on New Year’s Eve

"Blue moon" is not really blue
Get ready for some extra special sparkle on New Year’s Eve when the second full moon of December – which makes it a blue moon – shines over your festivities on Thursday.

"Blue moon" is not really blue
Get ready for some extra special sparkle on New Year’s Eve when the second full moon of December – which makes it a blue moon – shines over your festivities on Thursday.
To be called a “blue moon,” the moon must be full for the second time in a calendar month, which will occur on Thursday, Dec. 31 – New Year’s Eve – for the first time in almost 20 years.
A blue moon occurs every two and half years, but the last time there was a blue moon on New Year’s Eve was in 1990 – and the next will be in 2028.
Although the moon will not appear to be blue, the modern definition a blue moon is relatively new, and began in the 1940s, according to NASA.
To explain blue moons to the masses, Sky & Telescope magazine published an article in 1946 entitled “Once in a Blue Moon,” where the author James Hugh Pruett cited the 1937 Maine almanac and opined that the "second [full moon] in a month, so I interpret it, is called Blue Moon."
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Official: U.S. intelligence found Iran nuke document was forged

U.S. intelligence has concluded that the document published recently by the Times of London, which purportedly describes an Iranian plan to do experiments on what the newspaper described as a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, is a fabrication FAKE), according to a former Central Intelligence Agency official.

U.S. intelligence has concluded that the document published recently by the Times of London, which purportedly describes an Iranian plan to do experiments on what the newspaper described as a "neutron initiator" for an atomic weapon, is a fabrication FAKE), according to a former Central Intelligence Agency official.
A CIA counterterrorism official from 1976 to 1992, told IPS that intelligence sources say that Israel is the primary suspect in forging the document.
The sources do not rule out a British role in the fabrication, however.
Sarah Palin And Levi Johnston Now Hate Each Other Because Of Another Infant: “Tripp”

This latest meta-entanglement, in which Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston took ad hominem digs at one another about the treatment of Tripp Palin, defenseless infant, in a very public fashion today in “Alaska,” is no different!

This latest meta-entanglement, in which Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston took ad hominem digs at one another about the treatment of Tripp Palin, defenseless infant, in a very public fashion today in “Alaska,” is no different!
See, there is nothing in the world that Levi Johnston would like more than for the custody battle over his kid to be as public as possible. Sarah Palin would like the opposite of this. How delicious!
On Nov. 4, [Bristol] Palin filed for sole custody of Tripp Johnston-Palin, the former couple’s son, who celebrates his first birthday today.
[Judge] Kristiansen initially issued temporary orders limiting access to the case file and allowing the parties to file under pseudonyms.
Johnston wasn’t playing along, however. In an opposition to Palin’s motion for a gag order, Johnston’s attorney, Rex Butler, said:
“Simply put, this matter is public in nature, the courts are not refuges for the scions of the elite to obtain private dispensation of their legal matters because the public at large has an interest in the proceedings.”
Why the Global Warming Hoax?

The crazy big-media hype was mainly for the same old reason newsboys used to shout “FIRE!” or “MURDER!”
The crazy big-media hype was mainly for the same old reason newsboys used to shout “FIRE!” or “MURDER!”
The “end of the world” is always a good topic to pique readers’ and TV viewers’ interest. Circulation and money drive big media.
Everyone would pay to learn about coming disasters. Remember how, a little while ago, they were telling us that more and stronger hurricanes would be coming every year?

"Please remove your shoes and your underwear before boarding our flight"
"Please remove your shoes and your underwear before boarding our flight"
According to the first reports, the fire from this "device" went half way up the wall of the aircraft cabin.
How much scorching and burning and melting of the materials do you see here?
His balls should have been blown off and he probably would not have survived.
U.S. airstrike kills 8 Afghan schoolboys out of 10 dead civilians

WRH Comment:
Reports have surfaced that a U.S. airstrike killed 10 Afghan civilians, eight of them schoolboys, on Sunday in a remote area of Kunar province in northeast Afghanistan. Yet NATO officials are refuting the charges and butting heads with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the governor of the province about the details.
SEE ALSO: Karzai condemns US for killing school children
WRH Comment:
The summary execution of Afghani kids and innocent civilians will continue to grow in Afghanistan, and there is nothing Karzai can - or will attempt - to do about it.
The US and NATO don't have enough boots on the ground to fight what is essentially a land war.
As the insurgency against US and NATO forces continues, so will the air strikes; that is, until the coming of the "Saigon Moment" in Washington and Kabul, where, years after the original invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, it will be realized that this war is un-winnable.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Why We Should Have A War In Yemen Like Joe Lieberman Wants

By Chimp

"Oh, goody, Sarah. Another war. I love Obama!"
By Chimp
Why we should we have a fourth war? Why not, it’s fun, fun, fun. We had Iraq and Afghanistan. We are deep into Pakistan. Now, it’s Yemen’s turn to be invaded. Do they have oil? Exxon/Mobile needs more oil.
The US military industrial complex needs more money. Afghanistan and Iraq are not giving them enough profits. Pakistan is hit and miss on weapons usage. We need another one.
Dick Cheney needs more money from Halliburton. He’s got a big family to take care of and he may need a fourth heart transplant. He also needs to build a new secret bunker to hide in case Interpol comes after him.
Bush family needs more money from their war investments. George W. Bush may also need a hiding place once foreign countries issue arrest warrants. His daughters need to pay for drugs and rehab.
Blackwater needs more work to make bigger profits. A war is also good for Obama’s job creation program. Good pay too: $100 to $300 thousand per year per mercenary, I mean, contractor.
Another war is one way to give jobs to our unemployed American kids. The Pentagon wants to give every American child a good college education if they survive.
Otherwise, the parents get a nice insurance check if their kid dies or is paralyzed which they can use for their retirement. A win-win situation all around.
Our funeral directors need more bodies. Wal-Mart caskets need to be sold. Detroit needs to manufacture more tanks to stay in business. Our congressmen need more Lobby money to pay for the Christmas gifts.
Let us all nominate Joe Lieberman for our next US president with that wise and intelligent Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Climate change brainwashing turns kids into save-the-earth rebels at home

Climate change" propaganda is turning many kids into militant save-the-earth pests at home.

Climate change" propaganda is turning many kids into militant save-the-earth pests at home.
The global warming movement has taken a decidedly sinister turn.
Not content with scaring moms and dads with tales of a coming global warming apocalypse, the true believers in human-caused-climate-change have taken their controversial doomsday message into the classroom and onto the Internet, polluting impressionable kids with green propaganda and creating youth legions of enviro-fanatics.
Tiger Woods should be castrated

Writing in Britain's "The Independent" in UK, Brian Viner seems to suggest that Tiger Woods should be castrated.

Writing in Britain's "The Independent" in UK, Brian Viner seems to suggest that Tiger Woods should be castrated.
Of course it only seems that way if you squint at the article in the correct manner.
He's talking about horse racing of course and notes that many of the most famous stars of the sport were in fact geldings.
If you think about the mechanics of jumping over fences you'll realize why there aren't that many stallions in that part of it that does go over fences.
The comparison with Tiger Woods comes in when he points out that horses can't and don't disappoint us in the way that human sports stars sometimes do: cocaine, sex, drink, gambling, they're prone to the human vices just as much if not more than others.
Sometimes it seems as if we'd prefer our human sports stars to be geldings. I don't condone the way Tiger Woods has behaved but epic promiscuity in the world of sport is nothing new.
Obama Gives International Police The Right To Arrest Bush, Cheney, etc…

Quietly, Obama just made it much easier for the International Criminal Court to go after American "war criminals” like Bush, Cheney, Ruumsfeld and Rice.
Quietly, Obama just made it much easier for the International Criminal Court to go after American "war criminals” like Bush, Cheney, Ruumsfeld and Rice.
An executive order recently signed by President Barack Obama, Executive Order — Amending Executive Order 12425, signed December 16 and released a day later, grants the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) rights on American soil that place it beyond the reach of our own law enforcement agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Obama’s order removes protections placed upon INTERPOL by President Reagan in 1983. Obama’s order gives the group the authority to avoid Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests — which means this foreign law enforcement organization can operate free of an important safeguard against governmental abuse.
“Property and assets,” including the organization’s records, cannot be searched or seized. Their physical locations and records are now immune from U.S. legal or investigative authorities.
Drunk Senator Speaking on Senate Floor
Shouldn't he get a ticket for BUI? Bullshit Under The Influence?
US agrees $6 million pay check for Fannie and Freddie bosses

The two companies have been handling mortgages for decades.

The two companies have been handling mortgages for decades.
The heads of US mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may each receive pay packages of up to $6m (£3.7m) for 2009, depending on company performance.
The government has put $111bn of public money into the companies since taking them over and the awards go against moves to curb lavish pay packages.
But the regulator which decided the pay levels said the awards were 40% lower than before the government bailout.
The sums involved reflected the need to attract and retain talent, it argued.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
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