Sunday, December 16, 2012

GOP Calls Obama Marxist, Doesn't Know What "Marxism" Is (VIDEO)

"Cathie Adams, former Texas GOP chair and current Texas Eagle Forum president, gave a pre-election address earlier this year, claiming that a "Marxist" President Barack Obama had "fried his brain on drugs."

In a speech at a Grassroots America We The People "Call To Action" event, first reported on by Right Wing Watch, Adams embarked on a longwinded conspiracy theory about Obama enacting an oppressive "green agenda, which is Marxism." Her claims eventually led her to talk about a ballot initiative in Colorado to legalize and tax marijuana."

Ousted Tea Party darling Allen West and Cathie Adams, Former Texas GOP Chair are pretty sure President Obama is a Marxist who may have "fried his brain on drugs." Cenk Uygur points out obvious GOP misunderstandings of what Marxism is and what Obama's history on drug policing are

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