Sunday, October 10, 2010

Glenn Beck Says Fee-Based Fire Department "Had To" Let Non-Paying Family's House Burn Down


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Glenn Beck, the guy who loves his country so much he'd cry for it, was all in favor of the Tennessee Fire Department that allowed a family's house to burn down because they had not paid their subscription.

Beck made a show of sympathizing with the family.

But the house "had to" burn, Beck said, because if the firemen put out the fire, that meant another domino had fallen to Obamacare. Really.



jadedj said...

Now there is some convoluted logic...otherwise know as BULLSHIT!

Chimp said...

That's no different than the police arriving at a man being robbed at gun point and deciding not to intervene because the victim was a tourist and had not paid city taxes.

I bet most of these firemen were Christians. I guess they forgot his teachings.

jadedj said...

What really frosted me with this one was, they came, but only because the next door neighbor...who did pay for the service...was afraid his house would catch fire from the other one.

We have become a nation of thugs, crooks and callous bastards.