"It was revealed at the rally that I had for Joe Miller on Thursday -- it was revealed and we have the tape that proves it -- that the CBS reporters, the affiliate in Alaska, conspired to make up stories about Joe Miller. We have the tape, Chris. And I can't wait until it busts out all over the nation to show what it is that we -- kind of what I put up with for two years now with the media -- but what Joe Miller is faced with in dealing with somebody who feels -- Lisa Murkowski -- so entitled to that seat she and her people, including some complicit in the media, will do anything. They will stop at nothing," she explained.
The above reads like the rants of a crazy lady. She's going to "blow a gasket".
Shiiiiiiiiiiit...come on gasket, BLOW BABY BLOW.
LOL I Think it blew already. Nothing left up there.
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