As you can well see, Laura's USS Texas is in the lead
© 2009 The Chimp Press
July 31, 2009
GROTON, Conn. — Former first lady Laura Bush was in Connecticut for a submarine race at the Navy's submarine base in Groton.
Bush gave brief remarks Friday morning as the three submarines raced to the end of the base and back.
Bush participated in many submarine races when she was first lady of Texas. She also spoke at submarine christenings in 2004 and in 2006 when she was the nation's first lady.
While getting quite involved in the race, Laura Bush said, “I can’t see who’s winning. It’s like when George was running for president.”
“Watching submarine races is my hobby,” Mrs. Bush added, “the sub I chose always wins. Of course, they have to tell me which one won, as I can’t see diddly squat.”