Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) with Linda Sarsour
All 3 of these women should be considered a clear threat to our CONSTITUTION, period.
That's how it started here in the UK now they own it.
I hope that the same kind of scrutiny comes to them as it does to many of the more fundamental Christian members...Pence for instance. They should be asked about those difficult parts of the Quran. They should ask about laws in predominantly Muslim countries based on the Quran
I don’t be rude but, lady’s with different culture with no roots in America stabling almost 3rt generation American Citizenships, are not allow to have rights to run for a position in the US Congress.
It's never from the outside blunt the demise of great nations is always from within by elevating hoos low life's low mentality religious ecnomic&political military fanatics to power...
If they were smart and wanted to be taken seriously, they'd want to distance themselves from Sarsour.
Poor Michigan and Minnesota. But they allowed this to happen didn’t they?
Wolves in sheep's clothing........ It has begun.

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