The number goes up when you realize that doctors are ultimately behind every gun crime committed by someone on prescription anti-depressants. (
I personally found the president’s inaugural speech not just insipid, but disgusting. It reached its gut-churning nadir near the end where he said:
“We, the people, still believe that enduring security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war...We will show the courage to try and resolve our differences with other nations peacefully – not because we are naïve about the dangers we face, but because engagement can more durably lift suspicion and fear...And we must be a source of hope to the poor, the sick, the marginalized, the victims of prejudice – not out of mere charity, but because peace in our time requires the constant advance of those principles that our common creed describes: tolerance and opportunity; human dignity and justice.”
Joseph Cardosa was given a written warning by officials at Hyannis West Elementary School, Cape Cod, when he fashioned the crude toy in an after-school activity program.
The boy was told that if he commits the crime a second time he will be suspended for two weeks.
This is great news! They have an official reason for it, but I suspect the real reason has more to do with public pressure and wanting to avoid lawsuits from those things giving airport employees cancer. The backscatters scanners are to be replaced by June 2013 with new ones that do not emit ionizing radiation or show the details of your physique. They just make you look like a gingerbread man.
Syria claims Israel has carried out a deadly bombing raid on its territory, destroying a military research centre near Damascus. It denies claims the attack targeted a weapons convoy near the Lebanese border.
It's the first time in decades that Israel has launched an attack on another state, NOT in response to military action. Israel and most Western powers are keeping silent on the incident, which has sparked condemnation from Russia.
The Arab League has described Israel's strike on Syria as flagrant aggression and a glaring violation of the country's sovereignty. Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of Pan-African News Wire, says the attack on Syria is all part of a plan to bring down the Assad government.
On today's show, Alex welcomes Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Jim Garrow to break down his information regarding the Army's new "litmus test" for military leaders.
YouTube could be preparing to get into the subscription video business this spring, if one report proves accurate.
According to AdAge's unnamed sources, YouTube wants to offer paid channels at a cost of $1 to $5 per month. There would be about 25 channels at first, possibly launching as early as the second quarter of this year with an announcement in late April.
But don't think of YouTube subscriptions as another Netflix or Hulu Plus. Instead of stacking its channels with well-known TV shows and movies, YouTube reportedly wants to create premium versions of existing YouTube channels, such as those offered by Machinima and Maker Studios, who create their content exclusively for the Internet.
YouTube could also try to attract small cable networks that haven't gained much traction through traditional pay TV services. (As AdAge points out, YouTube CEO Salar Kamangar alluded to that possibilitya year ago.)
It sounds like the premium channels, if they are actually coming, would be an extension of YouTube's original content initiative, an effort compete with broadcast TV by funding entirely new Web-based shows. Google spent over $150 million on the first wave of content in 2011, and last year said it would spend another $200 million to keep the project going.
It sounds good in theory--YouTube sees itself as creating next-generation successors to MTV, CNN and other traditional channels--but as I noted when the first batch of channels launched, the execution could be better. It's still too hard to find longform content, with most videos clocking in under 15 minutes, and it takes a lot of work to separate the wheat from the chaff. YouTube may very well have funded some great television, but it not very easy to find it all.
If YouTube expects people to pay for content, it'll have to improve the browsing and viewing experience, so there's less confusion and hunting around for quality video. Once money's involved, users will need to know exactly what they're getting ahead of time, and why it's worth paying for when YouTube already has so much free content available.
My guess is that the launch will be somewhat subdued, and mainly pitched to people who already tune into Machinima or other channels on a regular basis. That may not be enough to spark a TV revolution, but it's something YouTube doesn't even allow for today, and seems like the logical next step as YouTube tries to move beyond its reputation for cat videos.
In the state of Oregon, the Drug Enforcement Administration is attempting to gain access to millions of private prescription records without a warrant.
According to reports, the step is taken to crackdown on the abuse of prescription pills, but the American Civil Liberties Union is saying not so fast.
The ACLU claims that the DEA's move is a violation of patient's fourth amendment rights. Mike Riggs, associate editor for Reason Magazine, chimes in on the issue.
Since the attacks of September 11, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has brought approximately 500 terror cases to trail. Of these cases, 150 people have been involved in sting operations in which the FBI has supplied suspects with materials to act out plans of terror. The FBI has been heavily criticized for preying on individuals who are on the fringes of society and Trevor Aaronson, author of "The Terror Factory," analyzes the FBI's devious tactics in his new book.
Pay attention American cops. This is how you treat scum!
The 15 participants from Connecticut, Maine, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania are meeting with commanders from the Israel National Police, security experts and intelligence analysts to learn how the nation prevents and responds to terror attacks.
The bizarre overreaction by cops came after the child had been accused of swiping $5 from another student after school.
The money, which was supposed to be used for a school trip that never happened, had fallen on the ground in front of Wilson and two other boys, and one of them scooped it up.
Wilson was falsely accused of taking it, and he scuffled with one of the kids.
Officers showed up at PS X114 on Dec. 4 at about 10:20 a.m., and handcuffed and held Wilson in a room there for four hours. They then hauled him off to the 44th Precinct station house for another six hours of interrogation and verbal abuse, according to a $250 million claim against the city and the NYPD.
"We have two American flags always: one for the rich and one for the poor. When the rich fly it means that things are under control; when the poor fly it means danger, revolution, anarchy."- Henry Miller
For much of the last decade, the left participated in activism and protests condemning the Bush administration's wars of aggression, and calling for the President's impeachment.
Now that it is a Democrat in the White House, however, these self-same activists are suddenly shying away from impeachment as a way to stop the American war machine. Find out more about the movement to impeach Obama -- and its opponents in the phoney "anti-war" left -- in this week's GRTV Backgrounder.
Watch the full Keiser Report E400 on Thursday! In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert for their 400th episode discuss Obeelzebub and Jamie Demon as the inevitable outcome of collateral faking, zombie banking and paper printing. They also discuss Russia's central bank buying gold while David Cameron is telling porkies about UK national debt. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser talks to Ian Williams of Charteris Treasury about silver suppression and the bond-pocalypse.
Lance Armstrong's wax figure is still being displayed at Madame Tussauds... despite the fact that he's a bona fide CHEATER! So, should Lance have his statue torn down?
Keep Lance Armstrong's statue just add the title "Biggest thief in sports history - stole 7 Tour de Francetitles and one Olympic medal."
Abby Martin takes a look at the history of eugenics in the US, and Israel's current practice of administering forced birth control on its Ethiopian population.
Abby Martin talks to Alexis Baden-Mayer, Political Director for the Organic Consumers Association, about a recent discovery by the European Food Safety Authority, which found a viral gene unsafe for human consumption in almost all GMOs
With the citizen journalism taking to the streets across the globe everyone can post anything on the Internet. The latest trend of such an activity is so-called "foodstagramming" meaning taking pictures of some delicious meals you order in a restaurant and putting it online. While some eateries in New York let their customers to do that even using professional gear, others are considering to ban that practice referring to the fact that the quality of the pictures can ruin the places' reputation. RT's Anastasia Churkina joins us from New York to break it down.
Franciscan friar accused of molesting students decades ago stabs himself in the heart after leaving suicide note apologizing for his actions
The note left by Brother Stephen Baker, whose body was found on Saturday at the St Bernardine Monastery in Pennsylvania, was 'not addressed to anyone specific'.
U.S. 'backed plan to launch chemical weapon attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime'
A leaked email exchange, reportedly between top officials at defense firm Britam, details a plan to use chemical weapons in Syria that has allegedly been 'approved by Washington'.
The project will use MRI to scan the brains of puppies as they complete training tasks, so handlers can spot those best suited to a career in the military.
OBAMA, KEEP YOUR PROMISE!!! Close Guantanamo Bay!. (VIDEO)
Sam Sacks fills in for Thom Hartmann and discusses the following with tonight's "Big Picture Politics Panel:" whether Guantanamo Bay will ever close, the latest immigration reform proposal and the failure by the TARP Inspector General in regards to executive pay at bailed out banks. Sacks debates former NY Lieutenant Governor Betsy McCaughey on Obamacare and in tonight's "Daily Take" Thom discusses what the 2nd Amendment really means.
"If we prosecute criminals in Wall Street and major US Banks, the US financial system could fail." (VIDEO) Major criminals in major US banks can not be jailed. They know it. They continue their crimes. (VIDEO) The only solution of "TOO BIG TO FAIL" is to break-up the big banks. (VIDEO)
Dimitri Lascaris:
Department of Justice under George Bush secured convictions of major figures from the business community in complex financial frauds and Obama and Holder have not done so following the worst epidemic of financial fraud in the modern era
"Students in Texas' public schools are still learning that the Bible provides scientific evidence that the Earth is 6,000 years old, that astronauts have discovered "a day missing in space in elapsed time" that affirms biblical stories of the sun standing still and moving backwards, and that the United States was founded as a Christian nation based on biblical Christian principles."
Texas public schools are teaching creationism in schools.
It's not a balanced religious studies class either- strictly Christian lessons are being taught, even pushed in the schools.
How is this teaching allowable? Would a similarly-structured Islam class be okay?
John Kerry's Favorite Statement: "I was for it, before I was against it." (VIDEO)
The U.S. Senate has overwhelmingly approved President Obama's nomination of John Kerry as the next Secretary of State.
The 69-year-old Democrat will succeed Hillary Clinton - taking over Washington's diplomacy amid deepening turmoil in the Middle East, raging conflicts in Africa and complicated relations with Russia.
We spoke to Brian Drolet, Director of an independent media outlet Deep Dish TV, who shared his view on how Kerry's appointment is likely to affect key international issues.
On December 20, 2012, a vaccination tragedy hit the small village of Gouro, located in northern Chad, Africa. According to the newspaper La Voix, out of 500 children who received the new meningitis vaccine MenAfriVac, at least 40 of them between the ages of 7 and 18 have become paralyzed. Those children also suffered hallucinations and convulsions.
Since this report, the true extent of this tragedy is coming to light, as parents of these vaccinated children have reported yet more injuries. The authorities in the area are shaken, as citizens set fire to a sanitary administration vehicle in a demonstration of their frustration and anger at the government's negligence.
I am surprised that this writer appears to be so shocked at this development.
After all, President Obama is the President who has decided that he can extrajudicially indefinitely detain any American he believes he wants detained, according to the language of the NDAA, and can extrajudicially assassinate any American at any place, and any time, he feels like it.
President Obama has institutionalized indefinite detention and extrajudicial assassination in American law, and that is what will define his "presidential legacy".
IF you ask me, that is a pretty darned lousy legacy to leave this country. - Mike of WRH Obama administration abandons closing Gitmo?. VIDEO)
A little over four years ago, President Obama announced that he would close Guantanamo Bay, but since his presidency moves have been taken to prove otherwise.
Recently, the State Department closed the office responsible for shutting down the jail and the man leading the operation, Daniel Fried has been resigned.
So will President Obama keep his promise to close Gitmo? White House Reporter for Politico, Josh Gerstein, gives us his take on the recent events.
In November of 1964, fearful of his connection to the Communist Party through Stanley Levison, the FBI anonymously sent Martin Luther King the following threatening letter, along with a cassette that contained allegedly incriminating audio recordings of King with women in various hotel rooms .
Operation Paperclip was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939/45). It was executed by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), and in the context of the burgeoning SovietAmerican Cold War (1945/91) one purpose of Operation Paperclip was to deny German scientific knowledge and expertise to the USSR.
Although the JIOAs recruitment of German scientists began after the European Allied victory (8 May 1945), US President Harry Truman did not formally order the execution of Operation Paperclip until August 1945. Truman's order expressly excluded anyone found to have been a member of the Nazi Party, and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazi militarism. Said restriction would have rendered ineligible most of the scientists the JIOA had identified for recruitment, among them rocket scientists Wernher von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, and the physician Hubertus Strughold, each earlier classified as a menace to the security of the Allied Forces.
To circumvent President Trumans anti-Nazi order, and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the JIOA worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists' Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once bleached of their Nazism, the US Government granted the scientists security clearance to work in the United States. Paperclip, the projects operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists new political personæ to their US Government Scientist JIOA personnel files.
In Mali, Forces Backed by UN, France, and Obama Slaughter Civilians
Summary executions and mass human rights abuses targeting innocent civilians in Mali are being perpetrated by soldiers loyal to the dubious Malian regime in a campaign supported by the United Nations, the new socialist French government, and the Obama administration.
Abby Martin takes a look at PBS' new documentary 'Rise of the Drones' supposedly showcasing an in depth look at drone technology, but in reality being a military propaganda piece sponsored in part by weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin.
US and Israel released secret STUXNET computer virus on Iran and now FBI will investigate journalist to find leak (VIDEO) The unprecedented number of leaks of classified information was one of the issues that plagued the Obama Administration during its first term. Perhaps the highest profile leak was that of a joint US - Israeli computer virus that attacked Iran's nuclear power plants and-- more specifically-- its uranium enrichment facilities.
Stuxnet, as it came to be called, has now resulted in a massive federal investigation into the source of the leaks.
Federal investigators are tapping the emails and phones of all officials familiar with the case in order to find the leaker.
To do that, they are looking into the communications these people had with any and all journalists during that time. What does this investigation mean for the rights of journalists? Kevin Gosztola Blogger at Firedoglake joins us with some answers.
"As long as we control the gold and uranium in Mali, the French, Brit and US military operation is a success!"
President Francois Hollande has hailed France's military intervention in Mali as a success. French troops have aided the Malian army in making big advances against Islamist insurgents - but the victory may not be as clear cut as it seems.
The title says it all! Follow the link below to hear this Georgetown Professor spew copious amounts of poop from his mouth! Joe Joseph breaks it down like no one else has.
"We can't let those frogs take all the gold and uranium in Mali!" (VIDEO) Downing Street has said that the British government may dispatch a "sizable" number of troops to Mali to aid French troops stationed in the country's north, as part of a UK mission to train local forces and engage in "force protection" - READ MORE:
"Former Massachusetts Republican senator Scott Brown's late-night tweeting has people talking.
Early Saturday morning (i.e. after midnight Friday), Brown's Twitter account featured a string of odd tweets responding to critics, making prominent use of the word "whatever" and using poor spelling and grammar."*
Former Republican Senator Scott Brown saw fit to address his Twitter detractors...mainly by just saying "whatever!" Was he drunk? Why did he feel the need to do that? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.
"Three police officers in Connecticut's largest city have been put on desk duty until further notice since a video showing them attacking a man after he had already been brought down with a taser was posted to YouTube.
A taser can be heard clearly as the man, its target, drops to the ground in the video, which shows an incident that happened in May 2011.
In a Bridgeport, Connecticut park, in broad daylight, two police officers begin kicking the man as a third, arriving by car, joins in. "*
In a shocking internet video, Connecticut cops are seen kicking, stomping, and even using a taser on a man as he lay on the ground, not moving. Is this brutality another reason why law enforcement should be recorded on the job? Cenk Uygur