Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hypocrisy? Torture Memo Creator JOHN YOO: Obama Violated Constitution (VIDEO)

"John Yoo, the George W. Bush-era Justice Department lawyer who penned so-called "Torture memos" authorizing controversial interrogation techniques, accused the president Friday of holding a "radical vision of executive power" and usurping the Constitution with his recently enacted policy to stop deporting some young undocumented immigrants.

"Obama's order has pushed the executive power beyond all constitutional limits," Yoo wrote in a Fox News op-ed posted Friday, adding later that it appeared to be a political move to shore up the Latino vote ahead of the election. "Worried about Hispanic support for his re-election ... Obama simply decided to unilaterally enact his own legislation."

Obama announced in June that some undocumented immigrants who entered the United States as children would be granted deferred action -- two years reprieve from deportation concerns -- and work authorization. GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney said earlier this month that he would end the policy."* Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) and Steve Oh (COO of The Young Turks) break down Yoo's opinion and Steve explains why Yoo is a hypocrite and "the worst Korean-American in history."

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